Newsletter No. 472
472 • 4.2.2016 1 472 4 • 2 • 2016 目錄 CONTENTS 2 好人好事 Fine Folks Fine Deeds 積善之家 Charity Begins at Home 4 特寫 Feature 將大學帶入社會,走進世界 Taking the University Out into the World 5 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 7 字裏高科 Tech Talks 7 寶健保健 Wealth In Health 8 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 9 宣布事項 Announcements 10 口談實錄 Viva Voce 退休制度的學問 (頁6) All about Pension Plans ( p. 6 ) 2010年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主彼得 ‧ 戴蒙德教授於1月14日親臨中大,講述何謂「優良的退休金制度」。圖為校長沈祖堯教授(右)致送紀念品予戴蒙德教授。 Prof. Peter A. Diamond, 2010 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, shared his views and research findings in ‘Good Pension Design’ on 14 January at CUHK. In the photo, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( right ), Vice-Chancellor, presents a souvenir to Prof. Diamond. 編見 一月天氣每多出人意表,渣打香港馬拉松那朝時而細雨綿綿,時而大雨滂沱,為中大跑手增加 了不少難度。一個星期之後,氣溫跌至新低,殺香港一個措手不及,但極端天氣也烘出不少溫 暖故事。 今期特寫為你帶來一個身暖心暖的故事。校友冼應全先生和太太是成功的企業家,製衣業的 翹楚,也熱愛運動,他們為中大設計及製造既醒目復實用的運動服,中大的馬拉松健兒及高爾 夫球好手,都把他們的好意及好事穿在身上。 行善也不是企業家的專利品,學生在求學路上,親身體驗為他人送暖,是中大辦學理念之一。 倪錫欽教授為大學開發服務學習計劃,令學生有機會走到不同社區甚至國家,接觸不同弱勢 社群,切切實實地做一點貢獻。 不要以為身為羅德學人便不用做義工,看看生命科學學院的戴漪晨(右圖),她投入義務工作 的勁兒,絕不輸於在實驗室裏埋頭苦幹。我們也可看看她獲得羅德獎學金所走過的路。 Editorially Speaking Abject weather was an unexpected visitor in January. The Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon took place amidst drizzles and torrents at times, making more treacherous the miles traversed by the quick feet of the CUHK runners. A week later, the thermometer plummeted to a record low. The plain truth that emerged is, when cold is served up with wet, a fitting fabric is what makes the difference. In this issue the Newsletter brings you a warming story of fabrics. Mr. Philip Sin, a CUHK alumnus, and his wife Betty run a successful garment business. Their love of sports led them to design and produce sports uniforms for Mr. Sin’s alma mater, a most visible form of support and tangible token of care. CUHK marathoners and golfers now wear their appreciation and pride for all to see. We also trace the supply line of philanthropy to the service learning programmes at CUHK developed by Prof. Steven Ngai. Our students learn to serve the less advantaged sectors of society and in serving learn about how human beings could look after each other. We look at a sample of how good deeds are interwoven into their learning experience. At CUHK, even if you are a Rhodes Scholar, you are not exempted from volunteer work. Listen to Serena Dai ( right ), who is equally passionate about her pro bono work and her lab work. Readers will also see in a glance the path she’s taken to join the prestigious league of the Rhodes Scholars. 勇敢築夢 (頁10) Dare to Dream ( p. 10 ) Photo by ISO staff 本刊下期(四七三期) 將於3月4日出版 The CUHK Newsletter will take a break and resume publication on 4 March
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