Newsletter No. 372

12 No. 372, 19.2.2011 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問校友陳寶欣小姐 Alumna Miss Karen Chan will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming contribution to the country was that by acting as a bridge between China and the world, I’ve saved them at least 10 years in the process of internationalization. 5 你花了兩年多,無償地把肝膽胰醫學名詞翻譯為中文,可 以談一下過程嗎? You spent more than two years translating HBP medical terms without pay. Can you tell us something about this? 為了要和國際接軌,溝通資訊必須準確無誤,所以中英名詞互 譯定要統一。我集合了全國最權威的二三十位肝膽胰專家,組 成命名會,主要靠書信通傳,徵詢意見,反復討論每個譯名的 利弊,然後訴諸投票,最後才把詞彙統一。那是二千年左右的 事,當時雖然已有電郵,但是人們還未慣用,我還得用電話提 醒他們查看電郵呢。 If you want to be in sync with the world, it’s vital that your communication with it is accurate. That’s why it’s important to have standardized Chinese translations for English medical terms. I brought together dozens of experts in the HBP field from all over China to form a naming team. By exchanging mail, we sought input from everyone to weigh the pros and cons of each name. And then we decided which ones to adopt by vote. That took place around the year 2000. Although e-mail was already available at that time, many people were still not used to it. I had to call the team members to remind them to check e-mails. 6 是甚麼促使你擔起和聲書院院長一職? What made you take up the headship of Lee Woo Sing College? 劉遵義校長邀請我考慮當院長,我找了一些過來人了解情況, 也諮詢過一些前輩和同輩。他們大抵都說:人生分幾個階段, 各有不同目的,年輕時奮鬥向上,中年建立事業,到了收成 期,應該思索一下可利用自己的社會地位做些甚麽事,或花點 時間教育下一代。我回頭一想,離退休年齡也不遠了,不應再 把全部精神放在推動中國外科與國際接軌,或是研究之上。 該重新定位,做點事情教育下一代。 The former Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau asked me to consider taking up the headship. I asked some former and existing college heads for their opinions and talked to peers and experienced figures. They told me: There are different stages in life and they’re meant for different purposes. When you’re young, you begin your ascent on the ladder of success. When you’re middle-aged, you’re busy building your career. When your life reaches the season of harvest, you should take advantage of your social status to do something for society and to educate the young. I thought that I was approaching retirement, I shouldn’t dedicate myself solely to bringing Chinese surgery in line with international standards. It’s time for me to make some contributions to educating the young. 7 書院的收生標準是否擇優而納? Will the College admit only the highest achievers? 讀書成績優秀,在社會表現平平的學生,我見得太多了。 反而很多成績平凡的,日後表現甚佳。決定學業成績的只有智 商一個因素,決定日後成就的則是待人處事、人生觀等,所以 書院收生不應唯成績是尚。我們通過面試,了解學生學業以外 的才能,他們的理念與書院是否吻合;例如金錢掛帥唯利是 圖的,便不是我們希望培育的人。 I’ve seen many top achievers who haven’t done well after they left school. By contrast, many mediocre students have brilliant careers after leaving school. IQ is an important factor determining academic performance. But what determines your career is EQ, such as the way you handle people and affairs, your philosophy of life, etc. The College will not use academic results as the sole criterion for admission. Through interviews, we’ll try to assess students’ non-academic abilities. We’ll also gauge whether their outlook on life is compatible with the College’s philosophy. Those obsessed with making money may not be our ideal students. 8 書院會否也着重培育個人風格? Will the College also nurture individuality? 大學教育應是啟發性的,我會給學生自我發展的廣闊空間, 讓他們發現自己的需要,驅動他們自求答案。不應有太多強迫 的集體行動,也不應該排擠不隨眾的成員。我相信有參與,才 會認同投入,所以委員會裏一定有學生代表。我會鼓勵學生多 着手組織書院事務。 University education is supposed to be inspiring. Our students will be given ample space to develop themselves, to discover their needs, and to find the answers. We won’t have many compulsory collective activities and we should not discriminate against members who don’t join the crowd. Participation breeds identification and commitment. That’s what I believe. So, we have student representatives sitting on our committees. I’ll encourage students to take part in college affairs. 9 書院籌劃進度怎樣? How is the construction of the College coming along? 圖則已畫好,正改進細節。今年暑假會招收第一批二百五十多 名新生。我非常高興能聚集一群精英,組成新班子帶領新書 院,沒有舊包袱,環繞着共同理念發展。我經常強調應知無不 言,不少本以為是荒謬幼稚的意見,經過熱烈討論後,都發展 成為和聲書院與眾不同的特色。例如房間裝置獨立讀數儀, 用電超過書院支付的上限後,須用者自付,以減少消耗。 The plans of the buildings are ready. We’re now finetuning the designs. The first batch of 250 students will be admitted this summer. I’m glad that we can put together a team of elites to form the College leadership. We’re free of the burden of tradition. We will build the College on common ideologies. I always emphasize the importance of speaking one’s mind. Many unique features of the College have grown, after heated discussion, out of ideas that were originally deemed absurd or childish, such as installing a meter in each dormitory room. If the energy consumed exceeds the limit set by the College, the user will be required to pay for the extra amount of electricity. This will discourage energy waste. 10 蒐集石頭是你的嗜好,怎樣的石頭你才會收藏? One of your hobbies is collecting stones. What kinds of stones do you collect? 很難告訴你我喜歡怎樣的石頭,有些是一見 便鍾情,想擁有,說不出理由,是眼緣吧。 我不講求價值,形態好,但石質普通,也不 打緊。正如行家說:喜歡是寶,不喜歡便是 草。我也喜歡懷舊之物,例如那些我兒時見 過的銅麻將、天九牌、蟋蟀籠等有中國特 色的。我也不講究真假,看著喜歡,價錢合 適便是了。 It’s hard to tell you what kinds of stones I like. Sometimes it’s love at first sight and I want to own it the moment I see it. It’s hard to explain. I don’t really care about their value. As long as a stone looks good, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t have the finest texture. As the connoisseurs say, ‘If you like it, it’s a gem. If you don’t, it’s nothing.’ I like old stuff—not those pricey antiques, but objects with Chinese flavours that I came across as a child, such as bronze mahjong tiles, Tin Gau (Tian Jiu) tiles, and cricket cages. If I find something I like and the price is reasonable, I’ll take it, be it genuine antique or not. 劉允怡 Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau 1 是醫科選擇了你,還是你選 擇了醫科? Did medicine choose you or did you choose medicine? 是我選擇了醫科。我祖父是中 醫,我小時候總是想怎樣可以幫 助別人,到了中學便下決心走這 條路。我很慶幸唸了醫科,選擇了 外科,並堅持當外科教授。我性 喜思考研究,喜歡教學,這幾方 面的發展滿足了我所有的需求。 I chose medicine. My grandfather was a Chinese medicine practitioner. When I was young, I kept thinking about how I could help people. Then when I was in secondary school, I made up my mind to become a physician. I’m glad that I chose medicine, specialized in surgery, and became a professor of surgery. I like thinking, studying and teaching. I get all my satisfaction from them. 2 在芸芸專科裏,為何專攻肝膽胰外科? Why did you choose to specialize in hepato-biliary- pancreatic (HBP) surgery? 在六十年代,肝膽胰外科是最困難的專業,世界最好的醫療 中心的肝切除手術死亡率是百分之三十。病人常在手術後出 血,醫院得嚴陣以待,預備大量血包。我喜歡挑戰,希望在這 個領域有點貢獻。今日,肝切除手術死亡率已下降至幾乎零。 那是很多人四十多年來一小步一小步地累積的成就,我很高 興自己在這演進過程中也出力不少。 In the 1960s, HBP surgery was the most challenging field with hepatectomy having a mortality rate of 30%. Postoperative hemorrhage was very common. Hospitals had to prepare a lot of blood bags for transfusion. I liked challenges and hoped to make contributions to this area. Today, the mortality rate is almost zero. This remarkable progress has been achieved bit by bit by many people during the past 40 years. I’m glad that I too contributed to it. 3 你會把肝臟比作甚麼來突顯其重要性? How would you describe the liver’s importance? 我的教授就職講座名為「最高的殿堂」,語出莎士比亞。他提 到人體幾所崇高的殿堂─肝、腦和心時,肝是居首的,可以 說沒有肝便沒有生命。很多器官都可有代替品,惟肝臟除了新 陳代謝、製造膽汁、過濾毒素外,還是身體的發電廠,功能眾 多,很難完全代替。 My professorship inaugural lecture was entitled the ‘Sovereign Throne’. The term was taken from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night , in which he described the liver, brain and heart as the ‘sovereign thrones’ and the liver came first in order of mention. It can be said that no one can survive without a liver. Many human organs can be substituted. The liver is where metabolism occurs and bile is produced. It also breaks down toxic substances. Moreover, it’s a power plant in the human body. It has many functions and cannot be replaced completely. 4 你從八十年代開始便在中國推動肝膽胰醫學的發展,何 以覺得有這需要? You have been promoting the development of HBP surgery since the 1980s. Why? 文革時期中國與外隔絕,但肝膽胰醫學的發展是很出色的, 我覺得國際舞台上應有中國醫生活動的空間。貫徹國家「走 出去,引進來」的政策,開放之初,我在香港組織國際會議,又 籌款成立基金,贊助國內的外科醫生來港交流,幫助他們加 入國際協會,更透過香港的國際網絡,邀請專家到國內交流 講學。國內人士常說,我對國家最大的貢獻是作為縮短國際 化路途的橋樑,為他們節省了最少十年。 China isolated itself from the world during the Cultural Revolution. But its development in the field of hepatology has been remarkable. I believe that Chinese physicians should play a more active role in the international arena. I organized international conferences in Hong Kong when China first opened its doors to the world. I also set up a fund to sponsor surgeons from the mainland to come to Hong Kong for academic exchange. I helped them to join international societies and used our international connections in Hong Kong to invite experts to give talks in China. My peers on the mainland often say that my biggest