Newsletter No. 449/450
2 449/450 • 19.12.2014 與其他參與寰宇暑期實習計劃的同學有點不同, 鄭浩智 一口氣參加了兩個項目,先到西安近一個月,回港稍添行 裝,便前赴保加利亞。 浩智解釋:「去年已計劃到保加利亞,為的是想多了解東 歐的文化。後來發覺保加利亞之行在7月初出發,時間上 容許我多參加一個實習項目,故選了西安,想看看這個文 化古都的歷史遺蹟。」 踏足西安,浩智看到四處都在施工蓋建大樓,城市化速 度之快,是他始料不及的。「我在一家廣告公司工作,負 責當地地下鐵路廣告的資料搜集和市場分析,得以了解 如何利用這些原始資料轉化成概念,再呈現於廣告。由 此,亦對內地市場運作、工作流程和氛圍有了認識。畢業 後會考慮到內地發展。」 相對於西安,浩智出發到保加利亞前做了大量準備工夫, 「因為我預計當地人不太會說英語,所以事前要計劃周 詳一點。」結果是如他所料,「首先是英語不流行,溝通 困難重重。其次是這個前蘇聯的加盟國破舊不堪,百廢 待興。舉例說,在那裏要上網並不輕 易,即使我居住的是大學宿舍,也沒有 WiFi。」 浩智在彼邦的工作是為一間非政府組織營 運的弱勢社群麵包店設計網頁,寫英文文章介 紹該店,並參與推介健康飲食的工作坊。 他說:「保加利亞人處事方式與我們大不 相同,像我們非常着重要準時完成工作, 他們則會寬鬆處理,容許延遲。面對各種 文化衝擊,是一種磨練,讓我拋開既有價值 觀,學習理解和尊重他人的看法,也嘗試放 慢步伐,多領略周遭的情和事。 「此行更助我增強信心,勇於接受新挑戰, 促使我想去其他國度,多看世界,拓闊眼界, 豐富見聞。」 John Cheng went on two internships in one summer. After spending close to a month in Xi’an, he returned to Hong Kong and repacked his suitcase for Bulgaria. John explained, ‘I had planned last year to go to Bulgaria to learn more about the culture of Eastern Europe. Then I found out that the internship would take place in early July, which meant I was able to undertake another internship before that. I chose Xi’an because I wanted to know more about the cultural heritage of China’s ancient capital.’ To John’s surprise, he witnessed new property projects under construction everywhere in Xi’an. ‘I worked in an advertising company and was responsible for advertisement research and marketing analysis for the local metro. The experience exposed me to how data is translated into concepts that are applied in advertisements. I also learnt about how the mainland market operates, the work flow and the workplace atmosphere. I am considering developing my career on the mainland after I graduate.’ Compared to the Xi’an trip, John did meticulous planning and preparation before setting off for Bulgaria. ‘I predicted that Bulgarians don’t speak much English, so planning well ahead was necessary.’ He was right. ‘Communication is difficult due to the lack of popularity of English. This former republic of the USSR is dilapidated and in desperate need of economic development and reconstruction. For instance, Internet connectivity is hard to come by in Bulgaria. The university dormitory where I stayed did not have WiFi.’ John’s internship involved designing a webpage, writing English introductions for an underprivileged bakery operated by an NGO. He was also assigned to help to host a workshop on healthy diets. ‘Bulgarians’ ways of doing things are different from us. For example, we attach a lot of importance to finishing tasks on time, but they allow for delays. I treated the difference in culture as training—how to set aside my values, learn about and respect other views, slow down my pace and immerse myself in their culture. ‘The internship enhanced my self- confidence and courage in facing new challenges. I am inspired and hope to visit more countries to widen my vision and knowledge.’ 鄭浩智 John Cheng 新聞與傳播學三年級 Year 3, Journalism and Communication 實習機構 Host Organizations: 西安佰訊廣告文化傳播有限公司 Passion Advertising & Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., Xi’an 保加利亞索菲亞國際經濟商學學生會 AIESEC Sofia, Bulgaria 世界就是教室 The World as Classroom 學習從來就不囿於課堂。今年暑假六百二十名學生參加了寰宇 暑期實習計劃,踏足四十一個國家,藉各種體驗式學習,磨礱砥 礪。他們有的遠赴非洲毛里裘斯學習海洋環保,有的到東歐保 加利亞探索陌生的國度,也有的挑戰從未接觸過的劇院工作。 Learning is never restricted to the classroom. Last summer, a total of 620 student interns were placed in 41 countries under the Global Internship Programme (GIP) to acquire hands-on experiences in various environments conducive to their personal growth and career development. Some of these internships involve learning about marine protection in Mauritius, exploring Bulgaria, and working at a theatre.
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