Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 4 Nov 1966
postgraduate research courses. Professor Happold's first lecture of the series w i ll be " T r y p t o p h an since Gow l a nd Ho p k i n s—t he story of an Am i no A c i d " to be given on December 1, 1966 at the City Ha ll lecture room. T h e Happolds w i ll be in H o n g K o n g for about six weeks. • D r. Da v id Bell, De p u ty President of the F o rd Foundation, M r . George Grant, Director of the Foundation's Southeast Asian Programme, and M r . Ha r ry Case, the Foundation's representative, visited the University this mon t h, and held a series of discussions w i th the Vice-Chancellor. • M i ss Sara B. Down e r, formerly Chairman of the Physics Depa r tment of Ch u ng C hi College while visiting H o n g K o n g on a wo r ld t r i p, visited Ch u ng Chi on October 29. A t the tea reception in her honour on No v emb er 2 in the College Chapel Lounge, M i ss Down er gave a brief account of how the College's Physics Department was first established. She also addressed the College weekly assembly on November 4. • A t the invitation of D r . C . M . L i , the Vice- Chancellor of the University, two Yale-in-China Trustees, M r . R.A. Ho l den, Secretary of Yale University, and M r . W i l l i am A . Lydgate, a senior partner of Earl News om & Company , a New Yo rk advertising firm, visited H o ng K o n g for talks w i t h the Vice- Chancellor on the Yale-in-China activities in the University and New Asia College. D u r i ng their short stay, they visited all three Colleges and the University. • M r . Robert N . Rayne, Vice-President of Ch u ng Chi College, and M r s. Rayne returned to H o ng K o n g on November 8 f r om home leave in England. • Professor Bertha Hensman, Professor of English of the University, returned f r om home leave in England on No v emb er 3. She attended the Academic Board Me e t i ng of Ch u ng Chi College in the afternoon on the day of her return, and was wa rm ly welcomed by the Board members. • M r . N . H . Young, Academic Registrar of Un i t ed College, left H o ng K o n g on October 28, 1966 for West Ge rmany to visit German universities at the invitation of the German Academic Exchange Service. A f t er being in Ge rmany for about a mon t h, he w i ll proceed to the Un i t ed K i n g d om to visit some of the new British universities under a programme arranged by the I n t e r - Un i v e r s i ty Council for Higher Education Overseas. I n early January next year, M r . Y o u ng w i ll fly to the Un i t ed States to visit American universities and colleges as a guest of the U.S. State Department. I n particular, Mr. Y o u ng w i ll visit Wi l l i ams College, w i t h wh i ch Un i t ed College has a cooperative programme in H o n g K o n g. He w i ll also hold talks w i t h officials of Indiana University for the establishment of a similar programme. M r . Yo u ng is expected to return to H o n g K o n g at the end of February, 1967. • M r . Ha r o ld Ho, Lecturer in Social Wo r k, Ch u ng C hi College, recently selected by E C A F E for the Regional Short T e r m T r a i n i ng Institute for C ommu n i ty Development Instructors held on Bangkok f r om No v emb er 7 to 29, 1966, left for Bangkok on November 6. He is due to return on November 29. • D r. S.S. Hsueh, Reader in Public Administration assigned to Un i t ed College, w i ll represent the University at the Asian Conference on Adm i n i s t r a t i on of Social Development to be held in Teheren f r om December 4 to 14 this year. D r . Hsueh w i ll also participate in other meetings of the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Adm i n i s t r a t i on to be held w i t h in the same period. COLLEGE REPORTS • Ch u ng Chi College celebrated the Fifteenth Anniversary of its Founder's Day on October 28 and 29, 1966. T h e celebration began w i th a Thanksgiving Service and an academic procession at 9:30 a.m. in the College Chapel. T h e Rev. J. G i l b e rt Baker, Bishop Elect for H o ng K o n g and Macao and a member of the College Board of Governors, spoke at the Service. Afterwards followed the traditional round-campus-race, a folk dance performance and a dramatic performance —a three-act Chinese play “ F o r g e t - M e - N o t ". On the second day of the celebration, students' parents were invited to take part. T h e programme lasting f r om 2:00 p.m. to m i d n i g h t, included a number of games, a concert, and a ball. A A Science Sympo s i um in commemoration of the T e n t h Anniversary of Un i t ed College was held at the College on November 19 f r om 9:00 a.m. to noon. After a speech of welcome delivered by M r . T . C . Cheng, President of the College, the f o l l ow i ng twelve science papers were read in the S ymp o s i um: (1) D r . L . M a : " I N V I T R O Fo rma t i on of 'Biliary M u d ’ by Polyphenol Ox i d a s e "; (2) D r . K . L . K w o k : “ L o n g - r a n ge Effects in e - A t om Resonance Scattering" ; (3) D r. S.C. L o h : “ So l u t i o ns of Certain Electric Field by means of T o r o i d al Coordinates"; (4) Professor V . A. K r ame r: “ T h e Separation of Variables Me t h od Ap p l i ed to Triangular Regions and the Associated Expansion Problems"; (5) D r . N . N . Chan and M r . P . K. T a m : “ O n the Completeness of the Largest Pseudo-Invariant L e f t Translation Subgroup" ; (6) D r . N . N . Chan and M r . P . K. T a m : " O n the L ower Semicontinuity of k-pseudonorm’’ ; (7) D r . D . H . F r em l i n: ‘‘Compactness and Sequential Compactness" ; (8) D r . Y u n - t o ng F u n g: ‘ ‘ On the Assymptotic Behaviour of the Absorptive Part of the Scattering Am p l i t u d e "; (9) D r . D . S . H. M a k : " T h e Autoionization of Oxygen, N i t r o g en and Carbon Monoxide ’’; 5
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