The 15th CUHK Golf Day

Thanks to the overwhelming support from alumni and friends of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), over HK$22 million has been raised through the CUHK Golf Day to support scholarships and various meaningful causes since its first launch in 2005.
You are cordially invited to participate in this fund-raising event and compete for close to 40 group and individual titles. With the concerted effort of you and many other enthusiastic alumni, supporters and friends of CUHK, additional resources can be solicited to support the development of the University and its constituent Colleges.
Donations in support of the 15th CUHK Golf Day can be used to enrich the “CUHK Golf Day Scholarship”, establish named scholarships, or support other areas in accordance with your wishes.
Format of Play
Double Peoria Handicap Stroke Play
- Men/Ladies Best Gross
- Men/Ladies Best Net
- Men/Ladies Longest Drive
- Nearest-to-the-Pin
- Open Cup - Best Net
- CU Cup - Best Net
- CU Cup
- The Most Supportive Award
Thanks to the enthusiastic support, the event has been fully registered.
Established in 2011, the “CUHK Golf Day Scholarship” is an admission scholarship for first-year undergraduates who achieved academic excellence and participated actively in voluntary services and sports activities. Financial needs of students will also be taken into consideration during the selection process.
58 scholarships have been awarded to outstanding students over the past years.
- Enquiries
- Ms Carol Cheung
- Tel.: (852) 3943-7309
- E-mail: