Facts and Figures 2013
Career Field Administration/Management Information Technology Teaching Sales/Marketing Banking/Finance Scientific/Research Work Social Work/ Community Work 11.5% 10.9% 9.2% 8.2% 7.7% 6.5% 5.1% 4.2% 3.4% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Percentage Medical & Health Services Accounting/Auditing Public Relations/ Mass Communication 8.6% Bachelor of Pharmacy 34 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 23 Bachelor of Science 716 Bachelor of Social Science 570 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education 44 Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Science 1 Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Engineering 4 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering 8 Subtotal 3,313 Total 8,822 Major Career Fields of 2012 First Degree Holders * * Figures as at 31 March 2013 and excluding medical graduates Graduates and Alumni 22
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