Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 12 Sep 1967
he also attended the meeting of this Committee after the Council meeting. I n early September, D r . L i w i ll participate in the Conference of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of Overseas University Institutions associated w i th the I n t e r - Un i v e r s i ty Council for H i gher Education Overseas in Britain, which is to be held i n Sussex. D u r i ng the interval between the July and September meetings, D r . L i went to the Un i t ed States on University business as well as to meet his children i n Berkeley, California. He is expected to return to H o n g K o n g early in September. Δ A group of six scholars f r om this University left for A n n A r b o r, M i c h i g an in August to attend the XXVII International Congress of Orientalists wh i ch was held f r om 13 to 19 August. T h e group included Professor M o u Jun-sun, Professor of Chinese History, M r . Chuan Han-sheng, Senior Lecturer of History, M r . Lee Y i m , Senior Lecturer of Chinese Language and Literature, D r . George H . C. Wong, Lecturer in H i s t o r y, and M r . Ch in Chung-shu, part-time Lecturer of History. Δ Prof. Chou F a - K a o , P r o f e s s or of Chinese Language and Literature, attended the tenth Inter- national Congress of Linguists in Bucharest, Romania, f r om August 28 to September 2. Δ T e n American educators f r om the Five College Con s o r t i um in the Un i t ed States, whose membership consists of Augustana College, Gettysburg College, Gustavus Ado l phus College, Mu h l e n b e rg College, and Wi t t enbe rg University, undertaking an East Asia Pilot Project on inter-cultural education were in H o ng K o n g f r om August 22 to 28. T h is was part of a programme to establish an undergraduate programme i n East Asia w i t h a view to a future exchange programme between the universities in East Asia and the above five Lu t he r an Colleges in the Un i t ed States. T h e group called at the University's Central Office on August 24, and paid a visit to the Ch u ng Chi campus at Shatin the same afternoon. T h ey visited N ew Asia College on August 26. Δ Professor Paul Wienpahl, Director of the California Study Centre, left H o ng K o ng on July 16 on his return journey to the Un i t ed States to resume hi s duties as Chairman of the Philosophy Department, University of California at Santa Barbara. Δ D r . L i u Ts ' un - y an, Professor of Chinese at the Australian National University, came to H o ng K o n g on June 19 to serve as External Examiner in Chinese Language and Literature for the Degree/Diploma Examination of this University. He left for Australia on July 5. Δ A group of twenty-nine members of the Teacher Interchange Programme of the East-West Centre, University of Hawaii, under the guidance of Professor Victor N . Kobayashi, visited Ch u ng Chi College on July 4 , a n d attended a lecture on "Patterns of Development in the New Te r r i t o r i e s" given by M r . C.S. Liang, lecturer in Geography of the College. T h e arrangement was made by D r . C.S. Tsang, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, who was formerly a visiting professor at the University of Hawaii. Δ D r . Ivan Putman, Jr., Director of International Faculty and Student Exchange, International Studies and Wo r ld Affairs, State University of New York, and M r s. Charles N . Bang, Director of the National Field Service Program of the National Association of Foreign Student Affairs, U . S . A ., visited the Central Office of the University on August 17. T h ey had discussions w i t h the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, M r , T . C. Cheng, and other officials of the University. D r. Pu tman also paid a visit to the Ch u ng Chi campus at Shatin on the 18th. Δ Professor B. B. Lewis of the School of C i v il Engineering at Purdue University visited Un i t ed College, August 23 - 25. Δ M r . T . C . L a i, De p u ty Director of the Department of E x t r a - Mu r al Studies, attended an Executive Meeting of the Board of the International Congress of University A d u lt Education held in New Yo r k, August 5 - 10,1967. Δ D r. C . T . Yu n g, President of Ch u ng Chi College, visited Ta i wan w i t h his family f r om July 3 1 to August 19. Δ D r. No ah E. Fehl, Professor of Wo r l d History, returned to H o ng K o ng on July 21 after one year of research wo rk at the University of Chicago, Harvard University, the University of Cambridge and the British Mu s e um. Wh i le in the Un i t ed States, he was invited to give two series of lectures at the University of Chicago and Pennsylvania State University on historiography and wo r ld history. M r s. Fehl joined her husband in England and returned w i th h i m by boat, but she had to cut short her vacation and fly home f r om Penang in June to resume her post as De p u ty Registrar of the University. Δ M r . Me l v in Ang, Da r t mo u th Projec t Asia tutor in the Department of Religious Knowledge and Philosophy at Chung Chi College, left H o ng K o ng on July 7 after he had served the College for two years. Δ D r. Mo r r is I. Berkowitz of the University o f Pittsburgh, arrived in H o ng K o ng on July 3. Appointed to a Senior Lecturership, he w i ll be teaching in the Department of Sociology and Social Wo r k at Chung Chi College. Δ D r . Elvera L i m , newly appointed lecturer in the Biology Department, Ch u ng Chi College, arrived in 8
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