Annual Report 2017–18
管理與行政 Governance and Administration 73 Mr. Liang is a businessman of remarkable achievement and had served senior executive positions in many large multinational corporations, and is currently the Group Chief Executive of Wideland Investors Limited and an Independent Non-Executive Director of New World Development Company Limited, an Independent Non- Executive Director of the Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited and Chief Executive of the Wei Lun Foundation. He is also a Member of the Court of the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Board of Governors of Hang Seng Management College and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong. 陸觀豪先生 ,BBS,JP Mr. Roger K.H. Luk , BBS, JP 由2017年3月2日起獲推選為成員 elected from 2 March 2017 資深銀行家 Veteran Banker 陸先生是退休資深銀行家,曾任恒生銀行常務董事兼副 行政總裁,具三十多年金融銀行實務及研究經驗,現兼任 多家企業獨立董事,包括上市之中國地產集團有限公司、 金寶通集團有限公司、鴻興印刷集團有限公司及有線寬 頻通訊有限公司;以及非上市之安盛保險有限公司、八達 通卡有限公司及昆士蘭按揭保險(亞洲)有限公司等。他 也曾擔任多個政府委員會公職,並獲香港銀行學會頒授 院士級銜,現為中大善衡書院院監會成員。他自1997年起 出任中大校董,並於1999至2017年間出任中大司庫。 Mr. Luk is a retired veteran banker having more than 30 years of experience in finance and banking. He was Managing Director and Deputy Chief Executive of Hang Seng Bank before retirement. Currently, Mr. Luk is an Independent Director on the boards of listed companies including China Properties Group Limited, Computime Group Limited, Hung Hing Printing Group Limited and I-Cable Communications Limited, as well as private companies including AXA General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited, Octopus Cards Limited and QBE Mortgage Insurance (Asia) Limited. He has served on many government boards and committees and is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers. He is also a Member of the Committee of Overseers of S.H. Ho College of CUHK. He has been Member of the Council (since 1997) and was Treasurer of CUHK (1999–2017). 林偉雄先生 Mr. Enders W.H. Lam 由2015年7月12日起獲推選為成員 elected from 12 July 2015 時計工場有限公司董事總經理 Managing Director of the Time Industrial Manufactory Limited 林先生於中大畢業後從事鐘錶業務超過二十八年,1993 年創立「時計工場有限公司」,由只有一名員工的鐘錶貿 易公司,發展到如今擁有二百多名中國內地員工和二十名 香港職員的中型鐘錶生產商。他出任公司董事總經理, 也是香港表廠商會有限公司會長。林先生現為中大校友 評議會委員及聯合書院校董會成員。 Mr. Lam has been in the watch and clock industry for more than 28 years after graduating from CUHK. He established the Time Industrial Manufactory Limited with only one employee in 1993, which now has more than 200 workers on the mainland and 20 Hong Kong staff members. He is currently Managing Director of the Company and President of the Hong Kong Watch Manufacturers Association Limited. He is also a Member of the CUHK Convocation and the Board of Trustees of United College of CUHK. 阮德添先生 ,MH,JP Mr. Anthony T.T. Yuen , MH, JP 由2015年7月12日起獲推選為成員 elected from 12 July 2015 裕通環球資產管理有限公司主席及董事總經理 Chairman and Managing Director of Yue Tung Global Asset Management Limited 阮先生在金融界工作多年,經驗豐富,歷任多間跨國及香 港公私營機構高層管理人員,現為裕通環球資產管理有 限公司主席及董事總經理及泰加保險(控股)有限公司的 獨立非執行董事。他是中大校友評議會委員,歷任中大新 亞書院校董會成員、新亞書院校友會副主席及中大校友 會聯會主席。 Mr. Yuen is a marketing professional in the financial and insurance fields in which he held senior executive positions in a number of major international and local companies, both in the private and public sectors, and is presently Chairman and Managing Director of Yue Tung Global Asset Management Limited, and an Independent Non-Executive Director of Target Insurance (Holdings) Limited, a listed company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. He is a Member of the CUHK Convocation, and was former Member of the Board of Trustees of New Asia College, Vice-President of the Alumni Association of New Asia College, and former President of the Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK.
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