Scholarships, Bursaries and Fellowships
CUHK has the largest student enrollment among all tertiary institutions in Hong Kong – more than 21,000 students with over 82% enrolled in undergraduate programmes. The large enrollment draws a significant demand on bursaries for students in need as well as awards for students with outstanding academic and community achievements.
With the objective to recruit the best students from all over the world, scholarships, bursaries and fellowships are integral in attracting the most outstanding scholars to study at CUHK. The University therefore is appealing to our alumni, corporations, foundations and friends to support our scholarship, bursary and fellowship schemes.
You can set up a named scholarship and/or bursary fund and specify the scope of support in accordance with your wishes. The current tuition fee for a local undergraduate student for one academic year is HK$42,100. By donating HK$42,100 and HK$21,050, a full and a half tuition scholarship can be set up respectively. You may consider donating HK$500,000 to set up a named endowment fund. The annual payout derived from the fund will enable us to set up a scholarship of approximately HK$15,000 per year in perpetuity.
If you wish to support the programme, please contact:
Ms. Sam SIN
Tel: (852)3943-7303

Complete and send the donation form to Office of Institutional Advancement or donate now.