Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 10 Jul 1968

The dinner was well attended by over 100 people including College Trustees, staff members and Student Union officials. • The 14th Graduation Ceremony of Chung Chi College was held on 23rd June in the College Chapel. Rev. Dr. Kusuke Koyama, Executive D irector of the Association of Theological Schools in South-East Asia, addressed the congregation after the presentation of Certificates and Bibles. • Dr. H. S utu , Dean o f the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science and Head of the Department of Business Management, Messrs. W illiam C.C. Kung and C.M. Chang, Lecturers, and M r. C.C. Tam , Tutor, United College, have commenced a research project on “ Marketing fo r Small-scale Industries in Hong Kong," which is based on the findings of a prelim inary study recently completed. It was found that , of all problems facing small-scale factories such as marketing, production, finance, and personnel, marketing was the foremost. This project aims at helping small factories o f fewer than 100 workers each, which represent about 90% of the registered factories in Hong Kong, and which form the back-bone of the local economy. The research is a practical undertaking in line w ith the College's policy to serve the local community. • M r. N.Q. Tse, Lecturer in Sociology at New Asia College, w ill begin his ten-month long leave in July. During this period, he w ill serve as V isiting Professor at the Detroit Institute of Technology, Michigan, U.S.A. On 16th June, the students of the Department gave a farewell tea party in his honour. • The Chung Chi Theological Seminary held its first Graduation Ceremony on 22nd June in the College Chapel. Canon James Pong, Chairman of the Seminary Council, addressed the congregation. • United College Student Union held its Annual Farewell Party fo r graduands in the Cheung Chuk Shan H all on 25th June at which M r. T.C. Cheng, President of the College, M r. Koo Yee-yin, President of the Student Union, and M r. Cheng Chi-hung, representing the graduands, spoke. • The grading of the entries for the essay, verse and 'tz'u’ (songs in verse) competitions sponsored by the Chinese Literature Department of New Asia College was completed. The first five winners in each competition were announced on 4th June as follows (in order of p o s itio n ): ( A ) Essay— Wong Wai-leung, Cheung Hin-yuen, Cheng Kin-nam, Ng K it-m ing, Tam Wai-han; (B ) Verse— Cheung Tak- shing, Man Tack-chuen , Man Kwong-cheung, Leung Chun-kin, Wong Fung-ching; (C ) ‘Tz’u'— Cheung Hin-yuen, Wong Fung-ching , Law Sau-chun, Leung Poon-chan, Cheng Pak. • M r. K .T . Lo and sons, Ka Chung and Ka Chow, o f Foo Hang Jewellery donated to Chung Chi College a scholarship fund of H .K .$10,000 under the name of Lo Wing Y ip Tong. The annual interest is to be used to pay fo r the scholarship. • From 3rd to 15th June, the L ib ra ry of New Asia College held an “ Exhibition of Low-priced Books from B rita in " , w ith books provided by the British Council. • The Sociology and Social W o rk Society of United College sponsored a series o f functions in June. During 21st-23rd June, well over 50 of its members participated in a summer camp at the Methodist Camp, Silvermine Bay. On 27th June, a Farewell Party was held at the College fo r 4th year students of the Departments of Sociology and Social Work. The Party was also attended by staff members at the invitation of the Society. On 30th June, the Society sponsored a film show at London Theatre at 10.30 a.m. The film “ The Story of a Discharged P r i s o n e r " ( 英雄 本 色 ) was shown free of charge to members of the Society and other students of the College. • The Mathematics Department Club of New Asia College has organized a Summer Seminar, mainly fo r the benefit of the 3rd and 4th year students of that Department. Since 1st June, the Seminar has been in session every Tuesday and Thursday to examine and discuss mathematical problems. Names of reference books related to the problems are announced by the Club before each meeting. • The Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research of New Asia College held a jo in t seminar fo r its Assistant Research Fellows and Research Trainees on 7th June. A t the seminar, M r. H u i Siu-lee, an assistant research fellow, read his paper on “ The different views about Human M ind and Human Nature as held by Lu Hsiang-shan and H u i Neng", and M r. Keizo Takagi , a research trainee, reported on “ The Chinese in Malaya and their Economic problems". • M r. Cheng Chung-keung, Demonstrator in Sociology, and Miss Chan Wai-ping, a fourth year student of H istory, United College, have been awarded East-West Center fellowships fo r post­ graduate studies in their respective fields at the University of Hawaii fo r the 1968-69 academic year. — 5 —