Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 5 Jan–Feb 1969

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L UME F I V E • J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y 1 9 6 9 • N U M B E R F I VE CONT ENTS Page The Pre-Employment Workshop . . . . 1 Analysis of 1968-69 Intercollegiate Teaching 3 Council News 5 Gifts to the University 5 Review of Examination System . . . . 5 New Publications 8 Appointments 9 Members of Boards of Studies 1968-69 (Part I I ) 10 Staff Profiles 11 Comings and Goings 12 College News 12 THE PRE-EMPLOYMENT WORKSHOP A Pre-Employment Workshop for the graduating students of the University, organized by the University Appointments Service, was held on 21st-22nd February, 1969 at Chung Chi College. The two-day Workshop comprised seminars, role-playing, discussions and demonstrations on various aspects of student preparations prior to their career launching. Students were divided into workshops of 25-30 each, presided over by two members of the faculty. Emphasis was placed on the fullest participation and exchange possible. On the first day, Dr. T.C. Ou , P r o - V i c e- Chancellor of the University and Chairman of the Appointments Board, made the opening remarks in which he welcomed comments and criticisms from all well-wishers so that work along similar lines may be improved upon in the future. Dr. C.M. Li, Vice-Chancellor of the University, delivered the major address in Chinese. An English summary of the address is as follows:— To Serve the Community I am very much pleased today to see such a large gathering at the Pre-Employment Workshop Meeting. As far as I am awa r e ,we have here 196 students, 36 representatives from the industrial and commercial circles as well as public and private organizations and 60 members of the teaching staff. We all know that a school, particularly a university, is not complete without any one of the three component parts, namely,students, teachers and the community. I n running a university, we must always aim at the highest objective, that is, to serve the community. This should also be the guiding principle in the training of students. On the other hand, the community should show concern about the students, for the best of them will sooner or later be leaders of the community. Today's gathering shows the close co-operation among students, teachers and the community. Though this contact is in a kind of rehearsal,it is a further proof of their closer co-operation in the future.