Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 7 Jul–Aug 1970
• Dr. S.W. Tam, Dean of the Science Faculty, Chung Chi College, has been elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Institute of Chemistry. Dr. Tam had been an Associate of the Institute since 1963. His recent election to be a Fellow is in recognition of his publications and present responsibilities in the teaching and promotion of the study of chemistry. • Dr. Yau-chuen Wong, Lecturer in Mathematics, United College, was invited in July to act as a reviewer of Zentralblatt F ü r Mathematik, one of the oldest and most reputable international mathematical journals. To be a reviewer of the Journal, a mathematician must, in addition to his outstanding ability in research, be highly specialized in his own field. • Dr. S.P. So, Lecturer in Chemistry, Chung Chi College, has been elected an Associate of the Royal Institute of Chemistry and a senior member of the Chemical Institute of Canada. • Dr. Fong-ching Chen, Lecturer in Physics, United College, went on long leave from 29th June, 1970 to 21st February, 1971. During his leave he will undertake research work as a Visiting Scientist to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) at Geneva. • Mr. Chik Wing-hong, Demonstrator in Chemistry, United College, was awarded a scholarship by the German Academic Exchange Service ( DAAD) for post-graduate studies in chemistry at the Free University of Berlin, Germany. Mr. Chik left for West Germany in mid-June. • Mr. Chan Ying-keung, a B.S.Sc. graduate of 1967, United College, has been awarded the degree of Docteur d'Université with Très Honourable mention by the University of Bordeaux, France. • Four student representatives, Mr. Ko Yiu Chung, Miss Lai Kit Ping, Miss Lo Pik Chun, Mr. Wong Hin Wah, were selected by the Student Union of Chung Chi College to take part in the Chung Chi-Keio Student Exchange Programme for about two months. They left for Japan in early July and will be back in late August. • Mr. Kam Wai-pui, President of the Student Union of New Asia College, flew to America on 6th July, to participate in the World Youth Conference sponsored by the United Nations on the theme, "Peace, Progress and International Co-operation". • The Summer Remedial Course which was offered free of charge by the Student Social Service Group of the Student Union of New Asia College began on 20th July. Over 400 middle school students had enrolled and were divided into eleven classes. The teaching was undertaken by more than forty New Asia students purely on a voluntary basis. The University Bulletin o f T h e C h i n e se University of Hong Kong is published and distributed free by the University Bulletin Editorial Board among the University faculty and staff, Copies are also sent to friends of the University, M E M B E R S OF T H E U N I V E R S I TY B U L L E T IN E D I T O R I A L BOARD: Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Chairman) Mrs. A. E. Henderson Dr. Francis K. Pan Dr. An d r ew T. Roy Mr . Stephen T. Y. Tiong Mr. N. H. Young Mr. J. C. Yuan Miss Janet Lai (Secretary) B U L L E T I N S T A F F: Editor — M r . Stephen C. Soong Assistant to the Editor — Mrs. Y. Y. Lo COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS: Mr, Pang Hsin Hou (Chung Chi College) Mr . P. C. Yao (United College) Mr. Wei Yu-chen (New Asia College) ADDRESS: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong 中文大學校刊爲本大學純粹報導性 品,專爲大學本部及三成員學院之敎職 而出版。 大學校刊編輯委員會委員:宋淇先生(主席) , 芮陶 菴博士 , 袁昶超先生,張端友先生 , 楊乃舜先生,潘光迥 博士,韓藹怡女 。黎靑霜小姐(秘書)。 校刊編輯:宋琪先生(編輯),羅吳玉英女士(副 輯)。學院通訊員:方信侯先生 , 魏別展先生 , 姚柏春 先生。 通訊處:香港新界沙田 香港中文大學 Printed by Local Property & Printing Co., Ltd., H.K.
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