Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 7 Jul–Aug 1970
Chinese P.E.N. Centre of Hong Kong. The Conference was sponsored by the International P.E.N. (Chinese Centre). Mr. Pan returned to Hong Kong on 25th June. • Prof. S.S. Hsueh, Professor of Government and Public Administration assigned to United College, attended a meeting of the Administrative Board of the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning held on 19th June in Djakarta. He returned to Hong Kong on 23rd June. On 23rd July Prof. Hsueh left agai n to attend the Conference on Modernization in Asia to be held from 9th to 15th August at the East-West Centre, Hawaii, and the Conference on Urban Land Policy and Taxation in Asia to be held from 24th to 29th August i n Taiwan. He will also co-ordinate in the preparation work for a regional research workshop on Administrative Implications of Rapid Population Growth in Asia to be held in October in Hong Kong and for the planning session of the Second Asian Workshop on Higher Education and the Conference on International Co-operation in Chinese Studies to be held at this University in December, 1970 and January, 1971 respectively. • Prof. H. Arthur Steiner, Director of th e University of California Study Centre of the University since 1968, left Hong Kong on 20th June to return to the University of California, Los Angeles, where he is Professor of Political Science. • Dr. Francis S. Hutchins, Representative of the Yale-in-China Association at New Asia College, departed for the United States at the end of June at the expiry of his term of office . A farewell party in honour of Dr. and Mrs. Hutchins was held on 15th June and attended by member s of the College Board of Governors, staff members and student representatives. • Mr. Y i m Lee, Head of the Department of Chinese and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, United College, left Hong Kong on 25th June to attend the 37th International P.E.N. Congress held in Seoul, South Korea, from 27th June to 4th July. • Dr. T.W. Ma, a 1964 graduate of United College and Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Western Australia, Perth, visited United College on 26th June. • Prof. S.C. Loh, Professor of Computer Science and Head of the Department of Physics and Electronics, United College, left Hong Kong to attend the International Computer Ltd. training course in the United Kingdom during his 3 1/2-month leave beginning from the end of June, 1970. • Dr. Elvera L. Dhillon, Lecturer in Biology, Chung Chi College left for Japan to take a short course in electron-microscopy at the Japan Electron Optics Co. Ltd., and t o work on electron-microscopy at the Institute of Medical Science of Tokyo University from 29th June to 31st July. • A study group of the American Public Health Association, comprising 32 members, under the leadership of Prof. Edward M. Cohart of Yale University, visited the University on 30th June. The medical visitors were greeted b y Dr. Robert Dan, Director of the University Health Service, and shown around Chung Chi College and the Benjami n Franklin Centre. • Rev. Peter Lee, Chaplain of Chung Chi College, was invited by the Student Christian Centre to lead an International Student Exchange Study Seminar in Manila from 6th to 15th July. • A group of mathematicians attending the organizers' meeting for the propose d regional society of mathematicians under the auspices of ASA I HL visited the Benjamin Franklin Centre on 7th July. • On 7th July Prof. Chu-tsing L i of the University of Kansas and Gallary, U.S.A., visited New Asia College. • Dr. Hiroshi Wagatsuma, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Chung Chi College, will undertak e research in Japan and attend conferences in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Austria and India from 10t h July to 18th September. • Dr. Sung-chick Hong, Lecturer in Sociology, United College, lef t Hong Kong on 11th July to attend international conferences in Seoul, Korea and Honolulu. • Dr. Kung-fu Ng, Lecturer in Mathematics, United College, lef t Hong Kong on 15th July to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians (1970) to be held in Nice, France from 1st to 10t h September and Colloquium on Functional Analysis to be held in Liege, Belgium from 13th to 17th September. Prior to attending the above conferences, Dr. Ng will give a seminar on his own research work at the Middle East Technical University, Turkey and afterwards undertake research work in the United Kingdom. • Dr. and Mrs. Dale A. Craig returned on 27th July from a trip through Southeast Asia. They sought out regional music, theatre and dance in Thailand, Java and Bali and spoke with local artists and scholars about the present state of their — 1 2 —
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