Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 11 Aug 1968
APPOINTMENTS SERVICE PARTIES FOR NEW GRADUATES Five tea parties were given in the past month by the Appointments Service fo r 1968 graduates of the University. A t each party, attended also by the Dean of Students/D irector of Student Counselling of the Foundation Colleges, Dr. Francis K . Pan , D irector of the Appointments Service, gave a ten-minute talk, which was followed by informal discussion. Two of the students acted as hosts on each occasion. STAFF PROFILES Dr. Ranee Pui-leung Lee, Lectur er in Sociology, Chung Chi College Dr. Ranee Pui-leung Lee, a native of Canton, China, was formerly a student of Sociology at Chung Chi College. He was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Social Science in 1965. He then attended the University of Pittsburgh, where he obtained the Ph.D. degree in 1968. His special fields of study were Medical Sociology and Me thodology. From May 1967 to August 1968 , he worked with the Department of Behavioral Sciences at the Harvard University School of Public Health in the Stirling County Mental Health Project, investigating the relationship between psychiatric disorders and sociocultural environments. Dr. Lee joined the University in August 1968. Mr . Edwa r d Sze~ncmg Ho , Lectur er in Music, Chung Chi College M r. Edward S.N. Ho obtained the diploma of L.R.S.M . in Piano Performing in 1958. A fte r his graduation from the University of Hong Kong, he went to England on a scholarship to study choir conducting , choir training and organ performing at the Royal School of Church Music. A t the same time he also studied at T rin ity College of Music, London, specializing in composition, musical history, piano perform ing and orchestra conducting. While at T rin ity College, M r. Ho was awarded the L .T .C .L . in Piano Performing, L.Mus.T .C .L. in Music Teaching, and F .T .C .L. (Fellowship). He also obtained the B.Mus. and M.Mus. degrees from the University of Durham, and was later elected a member of the Composers' Guild of Great Britain. Among his compositions are two cantatas fo r voice and orchestra, symphonic and choral works. Before returning to Hong Kong this summer, M r. Ho was fo r more than three years a producer at the British Broadcasting Corporation. 士 博 良 沛 李 Dr. Ranee Pui-leung Lee 生 先 能 司 何 Mr . Edwa r d S.N. Ho — 9 —
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