Bulletin No. 1, 2018
Vice-Chancellor Inducted into National Academy of Inventors CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan was inducted as a Fellow into the National Academy of Inventors at the organization’s annual conference held in Washington DC on 5 April, in recognition of his spirit of innovation and creation of outstanding inventions that have bolstered the quality of life and the well-being of society. Widely known for his expertise in skeletal tissue engineering and regeneration, Professor Tuan’s research has made significant contributions to the understanding of and potential regenerative solutions to pressing clinical needs in musculoskeletal medicine. H onours and R ecognitions Prof. Tony Mok Prof. Lawrence Wong Prof. Wang Jianfang Wins International Award Prof. Wang Jianfang (right) of the Department of Physics has been selected as the 31st Laureate of the Khwarizmi International Award, in recognition of his achievements in nanotechnology. The award ceremony was held in Tehran, Iran, on 24 February. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani (centre) presented the awards at the ceremony. Professor Wang is the only Asian scholar among five awardees this year. CUHK Research Projects Recognized Prof. Xie Zuowei Elected CAS Member Prof. Xie Zuowei, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Chemistry, has been elected a Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in recognition of his remarkable contributions in the field of organic chemistry. There were 157 candidates in 2017, of whom 25 were chemistry scientists. Professor Xie’s significant achievements in organometallic chemistry earned him the honour. Two CUHK research projects won the 2017 State Science and Technology Awards on 17 January. Projects winning the second-class awards were ‘Development and Promotion of Molecular Targeted Therapy for Lung Cancer Patients’ led by Prof. Tony Mok, Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Professor of Clinical Oncology and Chairman of the Department of Clinical Oncology, and ‘Innovative Strategy and Technology for the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke’ led by Prof. Lawrence Wong, Clinical Professor (honorary) of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics. Projects Receive National Scientific Research Awards Three CUHK research projects received the Ministry of Education’s Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) 2017. Mr. Chen Baosheng (centre), the Minister of Education, presented awards to the winning teams on 14 April at CUHK. Two projects winning the second-class awards in natural sciences were ‘Molecular Mechanism and Novel Therapeutic Targets in Treating Endothelial Dysfunction of Metabolic Syndrome’ led by Prof. Huang Yu of the School of Biomedical Sciences, and ‘Molecular Mechanisms of Selective Transport and Degradation of Plant Proteins’ led by Prof. Jiang Liwen of the School of Life Sciences. The project receiving a second-class award in scientific and technological progress was ‘Bilingual Trilingualism-based Retrieval and Understanding Platform on Large-scale Social Media’ conducted by Prof. Wong Kam-fai, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. News in Brief 33
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