Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1995

N E W S B O A R D Five CUHK Projects Receive HSRC Funding The Health Services Research Committee (HSRC) was established by the government to promote and monitor the development of health services research. Its Expert Subcommittee on Grant Applications and Awards is responsible for allocating funds to deserving health care projects which are not of a purely clinical or biomedical nature. This year, five research projects proposed by teaching members of the University have been selected for funding by the HSRC. They are: • 'A Nutritional Survey of the Hong Kong Population in Relation to Cardiovascular Health' • Researcher: Prof. Jean Woo, Department of Medicine • Grant: $499,580 • 'A Regional Cervical Screening Programme Evaluation' • Researcher: Dr. Alexander R. Chang, Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology • Grant: $523,455 • 'The Effectiveness of Nursing Care: Use of a Protocol to Promote Stroke Rehabilitation' • Researchers: Dr. Ann E. Mackenzie, Mrs. Anne Chang, Department of Nursing • Grant: $492,851 • The Incidence of and Risk Factors for Avoidable Hospital readmissions in Elderly Chinese - A Cohort Study' • Researcher: Dr. Edith M.C. Lau, Department of Community and Family Medicine • Grant: $506,220 • 'A Population Based Study of Use of Health Services and Health Status of Women in Mid-life' • Researcher: Ms. Chan Sieu Gaen, Department of Community and Family Medicine • Grant: $58,500 Grants for Particle Size Analysis Laboratory The Hong Kong Industry Technology Development Council approved a grant of HK$845,000 to help establish a particle size analysis laboratory to assist research on environmental, scientific, and industrial issues. The project is organized by Dr. Wu Chi of the Department of Chemistry and will be completed in August 1995. Highlights of Six Research Projects To generate more interest in the University's research activities, the ChineseU n i v e r s i t y B u l l e t i n continues to bring to readers highlights of more research projects supported by RGC earmarked grants. The Bulleti n has worked closely with the principal investigators of six projects to explain their research objectives, procedures, and achievements in terms comprehensible to the lay person. The six reports canbe found on pages 16 to 30. Research 15