Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991
(19) From American Bar Foundation US$7,900 for a research project undertaken by Dr. Leung Kwok o f the Department o f Psychology. (20) From Armedic Far East Ltd. to the Department o f Medicine: (a) HK$6,000 towards the John Vallance- Owen Research Fund; and (b) FF100,000 for a research project. (21) From Astra Pharmaceuticals (HK) Ltd.: (a) HK$20,000 to the Department o f Med cine for research purposes; (b) HK$2,147 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Surgery to attend a s c ie n tific meeting in M an ila , the Philippines; and (c) HK$24,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Medicine to attend a congress o f cardiology in Seoul, Korea. (22) From M r. Chan Tak Kwan HK$30,000 fo r research on cardiothoracic surgery undertaken by the Department o f Surgery. (23) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd.: (a) HK$50,000 for a research project under taken by the Department o f Microbiology; (b) HK$12,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Medicine to attend a scientific meeting in Nagoya, Japan; and (c) HK$3,000 fo r a video show presented by the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (24) From K ra ft General Foods (Asia -Pa cific) Lim ited a further donation o f HK$10,875 for a research project on natural colour undertaken by Prof. Yan Bingzong in the Department o f Biology. (25) From Novo Nordisk A/s HK$45,000 for a trial jo in tly conducted w ith the Department o f Medicine. (26) From Nutricia (Asia) Ltd. to the Department of Paediatrics: (a) HK$93,345 for a research project; and (b) HK$8,000 to sponsor two staff members to attend a scientific meeting in Hangzhou, China. (27) From Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.: (a) HK$280,000 for a clinical trial undertaken by the Department o f Medicine; and (b) HK$ 125,000 for clinical trials undertaken by the Department o f Clinical Oncology. (28) From Quickett Co. Ltd. HK$8,000 for a re search project on toxicology undertaken by the Department o f Chemical Pathology. (29) From Recreation and Culture Branch, Hong Kong Government HK$50,000 for the Tung Chung historical fieldwork project undertaken by the Department o f History. (30) From various donors to the Department o f C lin ica l Pharmacology HK$17,000 fo r the installation o f an adverse drugs reaction re porting system. (31) From Wai Yuen Tong Med icine Co. Ltd. HK$50,000 for a research project undertaken by the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre. (32) From Abbott Laboratories Ltd. HK$23,283 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Paediatrics to attend a congress on nutrition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (33) From Allen & Hanburys HK$ 10,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Paediatrics to attend an intensive review course on adult and paediatric allergy in Boston, USA. (34) From an anonymous donor HK$1,000,000 for the burns appeal fund o f the Department o f Surgery. (35) From Bayer China Co. Ltd.: (a) HK$7,000 for the weekly cardiac seminar organized by the Department o f Medi cine; and (b) HK$21,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Anaesthesia and Intensive Care to attend an intensive care meeting in Canberra, Australia. (36) From Siemens Ltd. to the Department o f Anaes thesia and Intensive Care: (a) HK$20,000 to sponsor a staff member to attend an intensive care meeting in Canberra, Australia; and (b) HK$20,000 to sponsor a staff member to attend an international meeting on critical care in London. (37) From Upjohn Company S.A.: (a) HK$21,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Anaesthesia and Intensive Care to attend an intensive care meeting in Canberra, Australia; (b) HK$3,000 fo r a postgraduate seminar organized by the Department o f Obstet rics and Gynaecology; and (c) HK$25,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Psychiatry to attend a congress in Cannes, France. GIFTS & DONATIONS 33
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