Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 6 May–Jun 1970
P e r s o n a l i a • Dr. Robert Dan, Director of the University Health Service, has been admitted to membership in The Royal Society of Health, London. • Mr. Wong Ka-Cha i has been appointed Temporary Assistant Buildings Officer, Buildings Office, with effect from 25th May, 1970. • Mr. Kam-Ki Li, Administrative Assistant (Probationary), Buildings Office, has been transferred to the Building Expenditures Unit wit h effect from 29th April, 1970. • Mr. Ho Chun-Chung has been appointed Production Assistant, Publications Office, with effect from 20th May, 1970. S t a f f P r o f i l es Mrs, Margaret E.R. Bridges, Lecturer in English Language and Literature, United College 士 女 齊 麗 柏 Mrs. Margaret E. R. Bridges Mrs. Bridges graduated M.A. with Firs t Class Honours in English Language and Literature at Glasgow University in 1938 and was awarded the John Clark prize. She then took a Dip.Ed. at the West of Scotland Training College. During the war, while her husband was serving in the Royal Artillery, she taught English at Ayr Academy and was one of the Ayrshire delegates to the Council of the Educational institute of Scotland. Afte r the war she went abroad with her husband, then in the service of the British Council, and postings have been in Italy, Brazil, East Pakistan, Cyprus and now Hong Kong. She has been a lecturer and examiner at various British Council Institute s abroad, particularly in connection wit h the extra-mural examinations in English of the University o f Cambridge, and Italian Ministry of Education summer schools for State teachers of English. Mrs. Bridges joined United Colleg e as Lecturer in English Language and Literature in September 1969. Dr. Chiu Kam Wai, Lecturer in Zoology, Chung Chi College Born in Hong Kong, Dr . Chiu Kam Wai received his secondary school education in Queen's College. He joined the University of Hong Kong in 1960, and graduated with a B.Sc. (General) in 1963 and a B.Sc. (Special) in 1964. With an award of a postgraduate studentship from the Government of Hong Kong, he pursued postgraduate studies in the Department of Zoology of the University of Hong Kong under the joint supervision of Prof. J.G. Phillips and Dr. P.F.A. Maderson on endocrine-epidermal relationship in reptiles. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1968, and left Hong Kong for the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. to take up an appointment as a research associate in the Department of Biology, where he furthered his postdoctoral research on various aspects of comparative endocrinology. In December 1969, he returned to join the Department of Biology of Chung Chi College. A number of articles of Dr. Chiu's research work have been published in various international journals. (picture in Chinese section) Mr. Li Tu, Lecturer in P h i l o s o p h y , New Asia College Mr. L i Tu, born in 1930 in Kwangtung, China , graduated from New Asia College in 1957 and the College's Institute of Advance d Chinese Studies and Research in 1959. Upon his graduation, he was appointed a Research Fellow at the Institute and later worked concurrently as a part-time lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of New Asia College. In 1962 he was awarded a fellowship by the World — 1 0 —
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