Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1980

wan. The customs and folk-lores of the village people as well as the changes of their lives are depicted in this book. A Glossary of Accounting and Finance Terms Edited and translated by Department of Accounting and Finance, C U H K Included in this Glossary are some 3,000 entries chosen from 10,000 latest accounting and finance terms. Faculty of this University's Department of Accounting and Finance have taken four years to compile and translate the terms into Chinese. A Glossary of Sociological Terms Edited and translated by Department of Sociology and Social Research Centre, C U H K This Glossary of some 4,000 sociological terms translated from English to Chinese is the result of the combined effort of over a dozen academic and research staff of the Department of Sociology and Social Research Centre of The Chinese University. Marketing Research: Its Basic Methods By M u n Kin-chok and Yau Hon-ming This book aims at introducing contemporary basic marketing research methods to managers in the marketing field, enabling them to master the analytical techniques for enhancing management efficiency. A special feature of this book is the use of real examples to explain the basic marketing research techniques and methods, such as survey method, attitude scale, sampling, data editing, hypothesis testing , experimental method, regression analysis, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, multimensional scaling, market potential and sales forecast. Titles in English Building China: Studies in Integrated Development Edited by John F. Jones This is a collection of essays and studies on China's economic, social and political development over the past three decades. The emphasis of the book is on integrated development, that is, the adoption of a unified approach to building society. Extensive use has been made of the on-going research on Kwangtung communes, which is a rather unique research project. China and the West: Comparative Literature Studies Edited by William Tay, Ying-hsiung Chou & Heh- hsiang Yuan In this collection of essays on comparative literature as it relates to China's long and varied literary tradition, both Sino-centric and Western- oriented perspectives are transcended. Chinese Classical Prose: The Eight Masters of the T'ang-Sung Period Selected and translated by Shih Shun Liu This book makes available for the first time in English a collection of ku-wen , or classical prose of T'ang-Sung period (8th-11th century A.D.). In this compilation, arranged in parallel Chinese and English texts are the moral discourses of Han Yü and the pithy allegories of Liu Tsung-yüan; the celebrated prose-poems by Su Tung-p'o; Ou-yang Hsiu's self-portrait; and the works of the other masters, Su Hsün, Su Ch'e, Tseng Kung, and the reformist Prime Minister Wang An-shih. Chinese Walled Cities: A Collection of Maps from Shina Jokaku no Gaiyo, 1940 Edited by Benjamin E. Wallacker, Ronald G. Knapp, Arthur J. Van Alstyne & Richard J. Smith This is a collection of large scale maps and detailed diagrams of 100 walled cities in central and northern China mad e in 1940 and represents the largest collection of such detailed maps and diagrams available. A Comparative Study of the Chinese Vocabulary in Several Textbooks for Westerners By Ho Kwok-cheung This book is in two parts. Part one contains the Introduction and Statistical Reports and Part Two one major vocabulary list and five other comparative lists. Special attention has been paid to the language 2 7