Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1994
Types of Courses: Current and Prospective Type Course Current Prospective Degree Programmes • Undergraduate courses • Postgraduate (higher degree) courses • Run in conjunction with overseas tertiary institutions which offer courses and organize instruction locally • No UPGC funding • To utilize existingexpertiseinthe University and resources of the SCS to support the development of self-financing postgraduate courses. • To set up a SCS centre on campus Professional Programmes (Tertiary level) • Sub-degree diploma courses • Tailor-made short training courses for business executives • Organized by the SCS or jointly with teaching departments of the University or local professional bodies • No UPGC funding • To strengthen collaboration with teaching departments of the University and other local tertiary institutions. • To liaise closely withthegovernment's Civil Service Branch • Appropriate UPGC subsidy • To set up a SCS centre on campus Professional Programmes (Matriculation to undergraduate year 1 level) • Sub-degree certificate courses • A series of courses by subject • Training courses for supervisory staff • Organized by the SCS or in conjunction with local professional bodies • No UPGC funding ditto Vocational & Tenhnical Training (F.3 to F.5 level) • Courses on technical subjects • Service-oriented short courses • Most being subsidized by income from other types of courses • Courses to be offered in accordance with University policies and priorities Conventional Adult Education (no education requirements for admission) • Interest classes of different levels • Life-long education • Tuition for those with little schooling • Service-oriented short courses (including courses by distance-learning) • Most being subsidized by income from other types of courses ditto introducing more self-financing postgraduate and higher degree programmes w i t h other academic departments on the campus. Look i ng Ahead After nearly three decades of g r owth and consolidation, SCS is now poised for further challenges. One continuing challenge has been to adjust its objectives in a rapidly developing economy and changing society, and to strike the right balance among course quality, financial viability, and its commitment towards community service. SCS staff are however fully confident of taking up such challenges and mak i ng further progress ahead. School of Continuing Studies 26
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