Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1991
Symposiums Symposium on Election Reporting Date: 12th — 15th December 1990 Organizers: Department of Journalism and Communication, CUHK, and the Journalism Training Board, H.K. Themes: Session 1 - The uniqueness and the future of Hong Kong's political institution Session 2 — Election politics and factors in winning Session 3 - News coverage of election campaigns Session 4 — Dialogue on election news reporting International Symposium on Communication and Societal Development Date: 29th April to 1 st May 1991 Organizer: Department of Journalism and Communication, CUHK Themes: Communication theories and development; Media in changing societies; Media and economic, cultural, and political development; Communication education and research Participants: Professionals and scholars from mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, USA, and Hong Kong Academic Publications The following will be published upon the conclusion of celebration activities in 1990-91: * Analysis of Media - a collection of articles written by faculty members of the department for The Hong Kong Economic Journal, with Dr. Leonard Chu as editor. * Staff & Student Publications - a collection of academic papers written by faculty members and students of the Department of Journalism and Communication, with Dr. Paul S.N. Lee as editor. * Political Communication in Hong Kong - an anthology of research papers by faculty and students of the Department of Journalism and Communication, to be edited by Dr. Joseph M. Chan and Mr. Clement Y.K. So. * Proceedings of the International Symposium on Communication and Societal Development — a collection of the 27 papers presented in the symposium and the discussions, to be edited by Dr. Leonard Chu and Dr. Joseph M. Chan. Silver Jubilee of Department of Journalism & Communication 23
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