Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1991

and assume advisory and monitoring roles in the implementation of University policies. The bursary will continue to exercise specific financial control according to pre-determined guidelines. The simplification of academic procedures recently approved by the Senate on 17th October 1990 for immediate implementation is an example of the devolution of power. Provided that the decisions do not contravene University academic rules and requirements, faculty boards have the final authority to approve revisions to the programmes of studies, the addition and deletion of courses, concurrent registration of students, and department/faculty admission requirements and streaming. There will also be fewer levels of processing for other academic matters such as the appointment of external/visiting examiners, external assessors, directors of studies, members of boards of studies, and matters related to exchange programmes and summer programmes. As regards personnel and financial matters, the first phase of decentralization will begin in August 1991. During 1991-92 and in subsequent years, the gradual introduction of further decentralized decisionmaking processes will take place. The following changes will be implemented within the 1991 to 1994 time-frame: 1. Faculties wil l be given authority to make final recommendations, in lieu of the Administrative and Planning Committee (AAPC), on teaching and research appointments of senior lecturer rank or below. Check and balance is to be provided through the current departmental selection committees and a new faculty-wide staff appointment committee (SAC) to be set up at each faculty. Only at the specific request of a member of the faculty SAC will a case be sent to the AAPC for review. This will be implemented for posts advertised on 1st Augus t 1991 and afterwards. 2. Faculties will also be given the flexibility to swop the established teaching posts of the same terms of service within and between the departments in the same faculty. This will be implemented from the academic year 1991-92 in the Medical Faculty, and from 1993-94 in all other faculties. 3. The present decentralized appointment process for a majority of terms of service B and C appointments wil l continue. The University is considering amore flexible scheme under which departments within the same faculty wil l be allowed to swop terms B and C office support and technical posts subject to an agreed number of posts within the faculty, ratios for various staff levels, and bench mark grade-entry requirements. When worked out and if approved, the proposal would be for implementation in the academic year 1991-92 or 1992-93. 4. Equipment, departmental supplies and library votes will be given to the faculties using a new formula but faculties will have the discretion to arrange inter-department and inter-faculty transfer of funds provided that the University total for each vote remains basically unchanged. There will also be a new and rather modest reserve fund to be set aside for open bidding on an annual basis for tasks committed by individual faculties through independent negotiation with the University. These will be implemented from the financial year 1991-92. The allocation of student numbers and staff numbers to the faculties will continue to be centrally planned but may be adjusted after negotiation. The research student numbers and associated funding will be negotiated with all faculties for the year 1991-92. It is hoped that the University will benefit from the improved flexibility arising from the more decentralized system and greater participation by its staff and students. The University is one made by and for its staff and students and will only be better i f everyone wants it to achieve excellence. The University will keep on refining and reviewing the areas to be decentralized taking into consideration the views and aspirations of all who make up this university. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed to the exercise and urge everyone to strive to make the University an even better place for them to work and to study. • NEWS 19