Bulletin Number Two 1984
* Dr. Arthur Dunkel, Director-General o f the General Agreement on Ta riff and Trade (GATT), arrived in Hong Kong on 19th March w ith Mrs. Dunkel for a week-long stay as the first speaker o f the University's ‘L i and Fung Lecture'. Dr. Dunkel gave his first lecture on ‘GATT —Its Evolution and Role in 1980s' on 23rd March at the Excelsior Hotel, which was attended by over a hundred guests including members o f the University, senior government officials as well as representatives from trade and industry. Dr. Dunkel visited the Uni versity on 24th March and spoke to the students on the same topic. The ‘L i and Fung Lecture' Programme, set up under the auspices o f the MBA Division, is financed by the income o f an endowment fund established in 1981 by the Li and Fung Group in commemoration o f the 75th Anniversary o f the Company. * Professor Y.C. Chang o f the Department o f Management Science, University o f Notre Dame, conducted a seminar on 'A Truncate MLE o f a Constrained Bivariate Linear Regression Coefficient' on 23rd March, The seminar was organized by the Department o f Statistics. * The Department o f Journalism and Com munication and United States Information Service co-sponsored a seminar on 27th March. Professor Donald J. Brenner o f the School o f Journalism, University o f Missouri-Columbia spoke on 'Effects o f New Technological Developments on the News Media'. * The Department o f Japanese Studies and the International Asian Studies Programme jo in tly presented a talk on 'Japan, Buddhism and Soka Gakkai' by Mr. H. Kajiura, Chairman o f Hong Kong Buddhist Nichirenshoshu on 28th March. * The Department o f Chinese Language and Literature and the Goethe-Institut, German Cultural Centre, Hong Kong jo in tly presented a seminar on ‘Old Forms o f Life and New Forms o f Life — The Process o f Change in the A ttitude o f Young People Based on New Literary Sources' on 2nd April. The speakers were Professor Helmut Martin, Department o f Sinology, University o f Bochum, West Germany and Dr. Ng Mau-sang o f the Department o f Chinese Language and literature. * Professor L i Yi-Jing o f the Department o f Management Engineering o f the South China Technology Institute, Guangzhou lectured on 'Appli cation o f the Marketing Concept to the Enterprise Management in China' on 6th April. Professor L i is a Resident Fellow o f the United College, and the lecture was organized by the College and the Faculty o f Business Administration. * Professor William Watson, President o f Oriental Ceramic Society in London, conducted a seminar on 'The Continuity o f Lead-glazing in the Tang Period — Development o f Tang Sancai' on 11th April at the invitation o f the Institute o f Chinese Studies and the Department o f Fine Arts. * Mr. Zhang Nan-zhou, Vice-Chairman of the Department o f Foreign Trade, Amoy University, and Visiting Scholar o f the Department o f Marketing and International Business, delivered a lecture on Amoy special economic zone on 13th April. * The Department o f Pharmacology presented a lecture on 'How Far Do We Understand Anaesthesia?' by Professor Sir William Paton o f the Department o f Pharmacology, Faculty o f Medicine, Oxford Univer sity on 18th April. * The Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology hosted a seminar on 'Update in Gynaecology Oncology and Colposcopy' on 19th and 20th April at Sheraton Hotel. The speakers included Professor D.R. Popkin, Associate Professor A.D. de Petrillo and Assistant Professor M. Roy from Canada; Associate Professor L. Twiggs, Assistant Professor M.H. Taylor and Consultant D. Townsend from U.S.A.; Professor H.K. Ma o f the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University o f Hong Kong; and Professor A. Chang o f the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology o f this University. * * * 22 ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS
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