Bulletin Number Two 1984
Publication Project (9) From The Asia Foundation a grant o f US$10,000 towards the compilation o f an English-Chinese Glossary o f Applied Manage ment Terms to be undertaken by the faculty o f the Management for Executive Development Programme. Fellowships and Scholarships (10) From Sir Run Run Shaw a donation o f HK$120,000 for the following purposes: (a) HK$20,000 as Discretionary Fund for the Head o f United College for College activities; (b) HK$50 , 000 for the establishment o f the Sir Run Run Shaw Student Loan Fund to provide interest-free loans to needy students; and (c) HK$50,000 for the establishment o f the Sir Run Run Shaw Staff Development Fund for the training and development o f staff members at all levels. (11) From the Incorporated Trustees o f Chiap Hua Cheng's Foundation a donation o f HK$100 , 000 to set up an endowment fund in memory o f Mr. Cheng Chek-chi, the late Chairman o f the Hong Kong Chiap Hua Manufactory Co. (1947) lim ited . The annual interest accrued from the fund w ill be used for the establishment o f a scholarship for a Medical student for an elective travelling clerkship in a teaching hospital o f an Australian or a British University. (12) From the Shell Company o f Hong Kong Ltd. an additional donation o f HK$100,000 towards the Shell Scholarship Endowment Fund for the provision o f a scholarship for postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom. (13) Donations to the Dr. Tam Sai Wing Memorial Scholarship amounting to HK$34,580.10. (14) From the Mobil Oil Hong Kong Limited a further donation o f HK $10,000 for ascholarship for the academic year 1983/84. (15) From Mr. Chan Kang Fout, Vanson Trading Co. Ltd. an annual donation o f HK$10 , 000 to set up a bursary fund w ith effect from 1984. (16) From the respective donors increases in the amount for the following scholarships: (a) Ten Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Scholarships from HK$2,500 each to HK$3,000 each w ith effect from 1983/84. (b) Ten Chiap Hua Cheng Foundation Bursaries from HK$2,000 each to HK$2,500 each w ith effect from 1983/84. (c) Ten Hsin Chong-K.N. Godfrey Yeh Bur saries from HK$2,000 each to HK$2,500 each w ith effect from 1983/84. Miscellaneous (17) From the Croucher Foundation a donation o f £2,000 for Mr. Terence Chan ChunWing, Senior Assistant Bursar to attend an International Seminar on University Finance at Oxford and to visit universities in England. (18) From the following companies donations to the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology in support o f a Seminar on Gynaecological Oncology held on 19th and 29th April, 1984 in Hong Kong: (a) HK$20,000 from Bristol-Myers (Hong Kong) Ltd.; (b) HK$5,000 from Roche Far East Ltd.; and (c) HK$2,000 from Carl Zeiss Far East Co. Ltd. (19) From the following companies donations in support o f the 1984 International Summer School on Physics: (a) HK $20,000 from The Shell Company o f Hong Kong Ltd.; and (b) HK$5,000 from Ciba-Geigy (Hong Kong) Ltd. (20) From The Hong Kong Soya Bean Products Co. Ltd. a donation o f HK$ 10,000 in support o f a symposium o f the Chinese Medicinal Materials Research Centre. (21) From Asia Television Ltd. a donation o f HK$ 10,000 in support o f the 'Electric Shadow' project jo in tly sponsored by RTHK and the Department o f Extramural Studies. (22) From an anonymous donor a further donation o f HK$8,500 to the Discretionary Fund o f the Dean o f the Faculty o f Medicine. (23) From T rinity Trading Co. Ltd. a donation o f HK$2,346.90 for a lecturer in Medicine to attend the 8th Asian-Pacific Congress o f Cardio logy in Taipei. (24) From the Government o f Alberta, Canada, a collection o f books on the politics, history, literature and people o f Alberta and Western Canada. (25) From the South China Morning Post Ltd. a donation o f 557 titles to the University lib ra ry . (26) From the Ministry o f Machine-Building Industry, the People's Republic o f China, two sets o f books: Mechanical Engineering H and bo o k (15 volumes) and E le ctrica l Engineering H and boo k (10 volumes).
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