Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1995

N E W S B O A R D Seven Research Projects Receive Fund i ng f r om Hosp i t al Au t ho r i ty The Hospital Authority's Health Services Research Fund was launched in 1994 to support good quality research into contemporary and topical health care issues. Seven research projects proposed by teaching members of the University hav e recently been selected for funding. They are: • Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori and Recurrence of Bleeding Peptic Ulcers ($517,480) Researchers: Dr. J.Y. Sung, Department of Medicine ; Prof. Sydney S.C. Chung, Department of Surgery • A Randomized Controlled Clinical Tria l Involving Wome n Who Have Aborted Spontaneously : The Health, Social and Operational Cost Outcomes of Conservative and Routine Management Protocols ($752,724) Researchers: Drs. T.K.H. Chung and CJ. Haines, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Drs. D.T.S. Lee and C.K. Wong, Department of Psychiatry • Health Risks and Multiple Roles of Women in Hong Kong ($618,370) Researchers: Drs. Fanny Cheung and Catherin e Tang, Department of Psychology ; Miss Susan Ma, Department of Nursing; Dr. Cynthia S.Y. Chan, Department of Community and Family Medicine • A Study of Bone Mass and Bone Loss in Chinese Perimenopausal Women ($607,420) Researchers: Dr. Suzanne C. Ho, Dr. Cynthia S.Y. Chan, and Miss Cha n Sieu Gaen, Department of Community and Famil y Medicine ; Prof. Jean Woo, Department of Medicine ; Prof. P.C. Leung, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology • The Efficacy of Screening Programmes for Cervical Cancer Amongst Ho ng Kong Chinese Women : A Case Study of the Nurse Practitioner ($236,610) Researchers: Dr. Sheila Twinn , Department of Nursing ; Mrs. Frances Cheng, Department of Community and Family Medicine • A n International Comparative Study of the Prevalence of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood ($69,605) Researchers: Drs. Roland Leung and Christopher Lai, Department of Medicine • Outcome Studies of Hand Injuries : A Follow-up Survey ($60,000 ) Researchers: Drs. L.K. Hung and Margaret Wong, Department o f Orthopaedics and Traumatology Research 17