Bulletin Spring 1990

D r . Ng L e e - M i ng New University Registrar Dr. Ng Lee-Ming, reader in religion and director of the Office of Part-time Degree Studies, has been appointed University Registrar with effect from 19th March 1990 to succeed Prof. Yeung Yue-man. Prof. Yeung returned to full-time academic appointment as professor of geography after his four-year term as University Registrar expired in mid-March. Dr. Ng, aged 53, graduated from the International Christian University in Tokyo in 1961 and obtained the degree of Doctor of Theology in the Princeton Theological Seminary, USA, in 1970. Dr. Ng joined the University as lecturer in religion in 1970, was promoted to senior lecturer in 1980 and reader in 1987. He has held various administrative appointments such as acting registrar of Chung Chi College (1976-77), chairman of the Department of Religion (1979-84), dean of the Faculty of Arts (1983-86), faculty admissions t u t or ( 1 9 8 3 - 8 7 ), and d i r e c t or of the Office of Part-time Deg r ee S t ud i es. Dr. Ng has served on va r i ous committees of the University. D r . Ng has made i mp o r t a nt contributions to the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong during its planning stage and is now a member of the council of the institute. Over the years, Dr. Ng has spent sabbatical time in Japan, North America and Southeast Asia, and he is closely associated with many international educational foundations such as the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia. P r o f. H o K a m - f a i Professor of Social Work Prof. Ho Kam-fai joined the University as lecturer in social work in 1964 and was instrumental in the founding of the Department of Social Work at United College in the same year. He was promoted to senior lecturer in 1974, reader in 1984 and professor in 1990. He has also been director of the University's Department of Extramural Studies since 1984. As an academic, Prof. Ho not only devotes himself to the development of the Un i ve r s i t y 's Department of Social Work; his contribution to the field of social science in other academic institutions in Hong Kong and overseas is also significant. In 1973, he served as an external consultant to the Department of Anthropology and Sociology in the Papua-New Guinea University and helped to develop an independent social work department in that university. He was an external examiner for the public administration programme of the School of Business and Management Studies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic from 1983 to 1986, and was i n v i t ed to serve as cha i rman of the Ad v i s o ry Committee for the Department of Applied Social Studies at the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong last year. Prof. Ho was a local member of the Council for National Academic Awards and participated in validating and re-validating the social work degree programmes of the Baptist College of Hong Kong in 1987 and o f the Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1989. Prof. Ho also has a very distinguished record of public service. He was a member of the H o ng K o n g Legislative Council for ten years from 1978 to 1988. He sat on many important social service committees such as the Social Welfare Advisory Committee, the Med i cal Development Adv i so ry Committee, the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and the Fight Crime Committee. Prof. Ho has also been actively involved in the work of various social welfare organizations including Against Child Abuse, Society for the A id and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, the Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association, Hong Kong Society for the Aged, Po Leung Kuk and Hong Kong Council of Social Service. Always busily occupied with his many academic and public duties, Prof. Ho still manages to find time to conduct research. Many of his research findings have been published in professional journals locally and overseas. PROFILES 2 4