Bulletin Spring 1990
Prof. Liu In Mao received Outstanding Research Award Prof. L iu In Mao, head of the Department of Psychology, was presented the 1989 Outstanding Research Award by the Hong Kong Educational Research Assoc i a t i on (HKERA ) on 18th January. Established in 1984, the Award aims to promote high quality educational research among HKERA members. Prof. Liu is the first scholar to have received this award. The title of his award-winning paper is ‘Memorial Consequences of Generating Words and Nonwords'. University Members Serving on External Committees (1) The following members of the University have been appointed by His Excellency the Governor to serve on various boards and committees: * Mr. Wan Hon-cheung, alumni affairs officer, has been reappointed a member of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Council for a term of two years from 1st February 1990. * Prof. Arthur Li and Prof. Patrick C.P. Ho, professors of surgery, and Prof. T.E. Oh, dean of medicine and professor of anaesthesia and intensive care, have been appointed members of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Preparatory Committee. * Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee, professor of anatomical and cellular pathology, has been appointed a member of the Advisory Council on AIDS for a term of three years from 1 st March 1990. (2) The following members of the University have been nominated to represent the University on various boards and committees: * Prof. Y.W. Lam, dean of science and professor of electronic engineering, on the Electronics Committee of the Industry Development Board for a term of one year from 1st January 1990. * Prof. Allan M.Z. Chang, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology, on the Exemptions Sub-Committee of the Licentiate Committee of the Medical Council of Hong Kong. * Dr. Joseph Boyle, senior lecturer in English, on the Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee for Hong Kong. Chung Chi College Siu-lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow 1989-90 Prof. Ma r k O . M . Tso, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, visited Chung Chi College from 4th to 22nd January 1990 as its Siu-lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow for 1989-90. He took part in Chung Chi's annual educational conference on 'Life and the Medical Sciences' during his visit and gave several public lectures. Prof. Tso is one of the world's top ophthalmic pathologists. His contribution to the understanding of the retina has won international acclaim. New Asia College S.Y. Chung Visiting Fellow Prof. Chan Hok-lam, professor of Chinese history, University of Washington, USA , v i s i t ed New As i a College as its S.Y. Chung Visiting Fellow from 5th to 15th March. During his visit, Prof. Chan spoke on ‘A Historical Inquiry into the Legends about the Building of Beijing City'. Prof. Chan specializes in the history of the Yuan and Ming dynasties of China and is a prolific writer. He has been visiting professor and research fellow in various famous universities. 1990 United College Annual Workshop The 1990 United College Annual Workshop on 'Hong Kong in the 90s' was held on 1st February. The workshop aimed to examine the major changes that had taken place in Hong Kong over the last decade and that would continue to influence the territory in the next ten years. Invited panellists included Dr. Joseph Cheng of the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong and Dr. P.W. Liu, Mr. T.L. Tsim and Mr. Andrew Wong of the University. NEWS 11
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