Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2006
38 Chinese University Bulletin Spring • Summer 2006 CUHK Students Create Social Ventures with Promise for Business and Community VC’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2005 Dr. Radio team members: ( from left ) Rain Wang, Wendy Wu, and Andrew Zhang C orporate social responsibility is increasingly on the mission statements of companies in Hong Kong and worldwide. Since 2004, Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) has joined forces with The Chinese University to run the first social venture business plan competition in Hong Kong. The purpose is to instil in students the spirit of social responsibility and the capacity for entrepreneurial action. The students have to solve social problems in the real world using an entrepreneurial approach. Unlike other events where corporate sponsorship is about advertising and promotion, the BAH Social Venture Challenge invites businesses and community organizations to be involved in a unique and meaningful programme with constructive outcomes for the community. This year, five teams of 23 full-time MBA and social sciences students presented their business plans to help the needy. The winning business plan, ‘Kids Tour’, builds on theworkof theSalvationArmy in the Tai Po by coordinating and expanding community-based tourism, and adding a framework of Multiple Intelligence Training for participants. Teammembers Benny Zhong, Peter Liu, Caly Xiao, Phoebus Ng and Map Tang received a certificate and HK$8,000 from Dr. Edward Tse, managing director of Greater China, BAH. ‘Kids Tour’ also took the award for ‘Outstanding Presentation’. ‘Dr. Radio’, a plan to deliver highly targeted therapeutic edutainment to hospital patients, won the second prize and HK$3,000. Overcoming communication and cultural challenges, the team comprised students exclusively from mainland China: two MBA candidates Rain Wang and Andrew Zhang, and a student from the Social Work Department, Wendy Wu. The Outstanding Written Plan award went to ‘Bridge Garden’, a venture designed to recapture society’s investment in retired teachers and add value to existing children’s programmes. It was presented by Victor Leung, Billy Ma, Allen Shen, Grace Wu and Isabella Zhang. The judges were representatives from industry, finance and government sectors. S even teachers from different faculties of the University were awarded the Vice- Chanceller’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2005 by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau at a ceremony held on 9 June 2006. The Vice-Chancellor with winners of the award: ( from left ) Prof. Ella K.C. Leung, Prof. Flora F.T. Chiang, Prof. Patrick S.Y. Lau, Prof. Jimmy Lee, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Dr. Tiffany Wong, representative of Prof. Gregory Cheng, Prof. Li Wai-kee and Prof. Wong Suk-ying
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