Bulletin No. 1, 2010
Foundation Stone Laid for Lee Woo Sing College 33 Mr. Lee Woo-sing has high expectations of Lee Woo Sing College. ‘A college does not only impart knowledge; it also cultivates among students a commitment to the needy, to the elderly, and to the community,’ remarked Mr. Lee. He wishes that students of Lee Woo Sing College will be encouraged to serve the community and the country; to achieve ‘harmony’ in their dealings with the world in accordance with the College motto; to treat others with moderation; to be objective in their analyses and receptive of different opinions in their approach to problems. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau described the establishment of Lee Woo Sing College at CUHK by Dr. Li Wo-hing and his family as a perfect manifestation of the traditional Chinese virtue of fraternity. It also gave the University the honour to name our new College after Mr. Lee Woo-sing. The College is expected to admit its first cohort of students in the 2011–12 academic year. Located by Residence Road, Lee Woo Sing College will be built along the contours of the hill
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