Bulletin Special Supplement Bidding Farewell to Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao
fo u r years as a teacher in the Depa rtm ent o f Electronics and the last nine years as vice-chancellor. I have witnessed h ow this university has prospered and g ro w n in to a m a tu re and qua lity -a ssu red in s titu tio n w ith a tru ly in te rna tiona l o u tloo k . M y w ife and I have enjoyed the many-faceted life on campus and we are pleased to have been pa rt o f such a vivacious and frie n d ly comm un ity . A t an age w h e n to o m u ch emphasis is placed on efficiency, speed, n ew ideas and changes, w e appreciate tim e -honou red friendship, co lleg ia lity , valuable traditions, and things th at w ill b ring back fo n d memories. The Chinese U niversity has always been p ro u d o f its un ique m ission and d istinctive in te llectua l and cu ltu ra l traditions. A firm foun d a tio n has a lre a d y b e e n la id fo r th e U n iv e rs ity to c o n tin u e to d e v e lo p as a comprehensive m o d em u n iv e rs ity to serve H o n g K ong , China, and the global comm unity. I am delighted that Prof. A rth u r Li has been chosen to lead the University in to the tw en ty-first century. H is leadership w ill enable the Un ive rsity to con tinue to meet the challenges and the demands o f a n ew epoch fo r H ong K ong as the Special Adm inistrative Region o f China, and to respond to the present and fu tu re needs o f hum ankind . M r. C ha irm an and m em bers o f the C o un c il, m ay I e x h o rt yo u to con tinue to g ive y o u r greatest su p p o rt to P rof. Li and to The Chinese University as a w ho le . W ith y o u r far-sighted and able guidance, I am sure this un ive rsity w ill g row from strength to strength. It w ill con tinue to be an im po rtan t and leading in stitu tion w h ich emphasizes academic freedom and institutional autonomy, and at the same time, accountability to society. F inally, m y w ife and I are forever indebted to you fo r y o u r u n fa ilin g suppo rt over these years. We are pa rticu la rly grateful fo r the honours the C ouncil has bestowed on us w h ic h w ill p ro v id e us w ith a valuable lin k and an association w ith the University in the years ahead. We lo o k forward to a co n tinu ing re la tionsh ip w heneve r o u r paths may cross. T hank you. □ 高錕校長答辭 Reply by Prof. Charles K. Kao 23
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