Bulletin Special Supplement Bidding Farewell to Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao
have been established to p rom o te in te r-d isc ip lin a ry research. Major efforts have also been made to strengthen academ ic linkages w ith centres o f excellence w o rldw id e and to enhance lia iso n w ith comm e rce and in d u s try . The U n iv e rs ity has been able to attract a large p ro p o rtio n o f the m ost outstanding students in to its study programmes and re cru it p rom in e n t scholars to jo in its teaching and research teams. Prof. Kao has also revam ped the management system o f the U n ive rs ity to cope w ith its ra p id expan s ion and m ee t the demand fo r h ig h e r e ffic ien cy . M any o f the U n ive rs ity fu n c tio n s have been decen tra lized to the faculties and departments, and new resource a lloca tion and in te rna l aud it mechanisms have been introduced . There has been a g rea te r emphasis o n a c c o u n ta b ility and q u a lity c o n tro l in U n iv e rs ity adm inistration. To give recogn ition to his tremendous con tribu tion to the University, the University Council appo in ted Prof. Kao as hono ra ry professor o f engineering up o n his retirement from vice -chance llo rsh ip . The C oun c il also decided to name the n o rth b lo c k o f the Science Centre as Charles Kuen Kao B u ild in g and to establish a 'Charles Kuen Kao Fund' fo r p rom o tin g academ ic and research programmes, in te rna tiona l linkages, and student activities. Prof. Kao was m arried to Madam Gwen May-wan W ong in 1959. They have a son and a daughter. □ 高錕校長就職(一九八七年十月十五日邵逸夫堂) Installation o f Prof. Kao as the new vice-chancellor o f the University on 15th O ctobcr 1987 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. 簡介 Introduction 5
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