Bulletin Special Supplement Bidding Farewell to Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao
爲配合大學之急速擴展,高教授致力更新管理架構,以提高行政效率,改善服務質素。 他引進校政分權管理的模式,下放更多決策權至各學院及學系;又推行新的資源分配制度, 建立內部監察機制,使各級主管更重視管理質量及責任之承擔。 高教授領導大學取得驕人成績,大學校董會深表讚賞與銘感,且接受大學教務會之推 薦 ,於高錕校長卸任之際,聘任其爲工程學榮譽講座教授。校董會並接受行政與計劃委員會 之推薦,將科學館北座命名爲「高錕樓」和設立「高錕基金」 ,以發展學術硏究,促進國際聯 繫及學生活動。 高錕教授之夫人爲黃美芸女士 ,有一子一女。 □ A fter almost nine years as vice-chancellor o f The Chinese University o f H ong Kong, Prof. Charles K. Kao re tired o n 31st July 1996. Born in Shanghai, Prof. Kao received his secondary education at St. Joseph's College in H ong Kong before going to the University o f London to study electrical engineering. A fte r o b ta in ing the degrees o f B.Sc. in 1957 and Ph.D . in 1965, Prof. Kao began his p rofessional career as d e ve lopm en t engineer, p rin c ip a l research engineer and c h ie f scien tist in lead ing te le comm un ica tion s labo ra to ries in England, Germany, and the U n ite d States. He was d ire c to r o f research at the Corporate A dvanced T e ch n o lo g y Center o f the In te rna tiona l Te lephone and Telegraph C o rpo ra tion before he became vice-chance llo r o f the U n ive rsity in O ctobe r 1987. 簡 介 I ntro duction 3
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