Annual Report 2001–02

教學輔助設施 圖書館服務總覽 大學圖書館系統今年多方面提高服務素質,包括增 設溝通渠道聽取員生的意見,延長開放時間,舉 辦多個重要展覽,並透過各方贈與、交換及買等 方式增加館藏。為協助讀者獲取資訊及享用更多圖 書,該館於年中新設古籍善本書庫和多個圖書特 藏,又聯同敎資會轄下其他院校的圖書館提供公共 服務及合電子期刊,更與新加坡、澳洲、美國、 英國及大中華區的重要學府簽訂了多項合作或交換 協議。過去一年間,大學圖書館曾為一千四多名 訪客深入介紹館內設施,其中九七十名訪客來自 本地,四三十四名來自大中華地區,四十三名來 自其他國家;另為三一十三名中學生安排了十四 次參觀活。 增設溝通渠道 大學圖書館系統今年成立了圖書館讀者小組,成為 館方與員生之間的正式溝通橋樑。小組由圖書館、 敎師和學生代表組成,可就有關圖書館使用事宜以 及改善服務和館藏提出建議。 專業館員與各院系保持緊密聯繫,以了解個別院系 的特別需要,協助置不同學科的新刊物和電子資 料。該館二十九名專業館員組成多支聯絡隊伍,輔 助敎硏人員從公用目錄的檢索系統、大學的電子資 源及網上搜索器等查找所需資訊。 Library Services: an Overview The University Library System (ULS) sought to improve services to its users in the year 2001-2. More communication channels were set up to tap the views of teaching staff and students. Opening hours were extended. Significant exhibitions were held. More books were acquired via donations, exchanges, and purchase. Greater efforts were made to help users access information and books. A Rare Book Room was opened and new collections were set up. Closer cooperation was forged with local JULAC member libraries in public service provision and consortia purchase of electronic journals. New collaboration and exchange agreements were signed with prestigious universities in Singapore, Australia, USA, UK, and particularly Greater China. In the year under review, just in the University Library alone, 58 in-depth library tours were provided to 1,446 visitors, of wh om 970 were from Hong Kong, 434 from Greater China, and 42 from other countries. Fourteen library tours were provided for 313 secondary school students. More Communication Channels To facilitate relatively formal two-way communication between the ULS and faculty members and students, the Library Users Group was formed during the year with representatives from the ULS, faculty members, and students. The group would consider all matters pertaining to the use of the library and make suggestions for enhancing library services and collections. Professional librarians in the University also made special efforts to forge closer links with individual departments to understand their specific information needs and to help 這標誌從參賽作品中脱穎而出,獲選為圖 書館新館徽,與大學校徽一同出現於圖書 館的刊物、信箋及網頁。 The new logo of the University Library appears on library publications, letterheads, web-sites, etc., alongside the Chinese University logo. 教學輔助設施 a c a d e m i c s u p p o r t f a c i l i t i e s 70