CUHK Research
17 Stops at *Bus departs at 00 min will stop at Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall. Stops at During term time (September to May next year), on every last day of public holiday(s) from 8:00 pm to 11:20 pm, shuttle bus will depart every 10 to 15 minutes. # Bus departs at 00 min will stop at Area 39. Walking Routes The CUHK campus is the largest among all universities in Hong Kong. Our green campus is renowned for its beautiful landscape and richness of natural habitats. For those who enjoy walking, please refer to routes suggested on p.20. With the completion of major campus expansion projects in 2012–13, more shortcuts, walkways, bridges, escalators, lifts and bicycle tracks will be added. Transportation 火車站 TrainStation 逸夫書院 ShawCollege 火車站 TrainStation 三、四苑 Residences 3&4 三、四苑 Residences 3&4 聯合苑 UnitedCollege StaffResidence 十五苑 Residence15 大學行政樓 Univ.Admin Bldg 善衡書院 S.H.HoCollege 邵逸夫堂 SirRunRun ShawHall 大學體育中心 Univ.Sports Centre 逸夫書院 ShawCollege 十苑 Residence10 39 區 Area 39 新亞書院 NewAsiaCollege 聯合書院 UnitedCollege 新亞書院 NewAsiaCollege 聯合書院 UnitedCollege *賽馬會研究生宿舍 JockeyClub PostgraduateHall 大學體育中心 Univ.Sports Centre 邵逸夫堂 SirRunRun ShawHall 39 區 Area 39 逸夫書院 ShawCollege 三、四苑 Residences 3&4 新亞書院 NewAsiaCollege 聯合書院 UnitedCollege 三、四苑 Residences 3&4 聯合苑 UnitedCollege StaffResidence 十五苑 Residence15 逸夫書院 ShawCollege 新亞書院 NewAsiaCollege *賽馬會研究生宿舍 JockeyClub PostgraduateHall 大學行政樓 Univ.Admin Bldg 善衡書院 S.H.HoCollege 聯合書院 UnitedCollege
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