Newsletter No. 333

No. 333, 4.3.2009 放眼四方的通才生 All-round Students with Eye on the World 第三三三期 二零零九年三月四日 No. 333 4 March 2009 中 大今年有二十五名本科生和研究生獲頒2008至 09年度尤德爵士紀念基金獎學金、殘疾學生獎 學金及研究生獎學金,數目為大專院校之冠。獎學金設 立的宗旨固為獎勵學術成績出眾的學生,但亦十分注重 學生的智育發展,正與中大推崇全人教育的理念不謀而 合。獲獎的音樂系四年級生盧啟然和內外全科醫學士課 程二年級生冼詠文,也同聲推崇全人教育有助他們的多 元化發展。 在中學唸理科的盧啟然,以8A1B的會考佳績循「中六生優 先錄取計劃」入讀中大,不過,沒有理所當然的選擇了專 業之途。他坦 言:「本來也考 慮修讀醫科的, 深思後還是覺得 唸書應以興趣為 先,而中大音樂 系兼重學術和演 藝訓練更為我所 愛,我自小學習 鋼琴,更喜歡作 曲、樂理和音樂研 究。」 求知慾強的啟然, 甚麼事物都想涉 獵,沒想到中大真有那麼多機會,讓他像海綿般不斷吸 收。他隨口道來:「我參加了書院的『語文桌』,通識教育 修讀了物理、中國哲學和政治,參與服務學習計劃到韓 國介紹香港和中國文化,又獲資助到加州大學洛杉磯分 校修讀音樂和現代藝術史暑期課程;最難忘是到多倫多 大學(多大)當交換生一年,除音樂科目外,還選修計算機 科學、生物、地理和物理等。」在啟然眼中,科學與藝術之 間並無不可逾越的鴻溝。 事有湊巧,冼詠文是多大的畢業生,主修神經科學和心理 學,卻選擇回來中大唸醫。生於香港的詠文說:「大學畢 業後考慮該往哪方向走,由於自己較喜歡與人接觸,加上 已有基礎,醫科似乎是不錯的選擇。父親也是中大的畢業 生,在他不斷鼓勵下,便來到這裏。」 與多大相比,詠文覺得中大的課外活動更吸引,「這裏的學 會種類多元化,學生又積極參與,可以認識不同科系的同 學。」此外,中大提供的海外學習和交流機會也甚多,詠文 剛巧又與浩然一樣,去年暑期到加州大學洛杉磯分校,修 讀法文和西班牙文。 詠文很喜歡中大的學習生活和課程編排,「在一二年級的 課程已有基礎和臨床科目,讓我們有實際的體會。與同學 相處更是愉快,記得去年暑假前,我和兩位同學構思自資 到泰國芭堤雅的孤兒院和盲童學校等福利機構當義工,於 是向同學傳閱單張,看看會否有志同道合者,誰知反應熱 烈,一下子有三十多人報名,真的是喜出望外。」關愛的胸 懷,人世的體驗,正是杏林新葉的最好養分。 T his year 25 undergraduate and graduate students of the Chinese University are honoured with Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships, Scholarships, and Scholarships for Disabled Students 2008–09—the most among local institutions. While the scholarship scheme aims at recognizing and encouraging academic achievements of the students, it also takes into consideration their intellectual qualities. This is in line with CUHK’s mission of providing whole-person education. Lo Kai-yin Eric, Year 4, Department of Music, and Sin Wing-man Maggie, Year 2, MB ChB Programme, are two of the awardees of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships. They both believe that whole-person education has advanced and diversified their personal development. A science student in secondary school, Eric received 8As and 1B in the HKCEE and was admitted to CUHK via the Early Admissions Scheme. He said, ‘I thought about majoring in medicine, but interest prevailed in the end. I had been playing the piano since I was a child, so I was deeply interested in the elements of composition, music theory and music research of the CUHK music curriculum.’ Eric was surprised by the opportunities for learning provided by the University. To name a few, he said, ‘I took part in the College language tables and its service learning programme, which enabled me to go to Korea to introduce Hong Kong and China. For the general education courses, I took physics, Chinese philosophy and politics. I also received sponsorship to attend summer school at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), where I studied music and the history of modern art. The most unforgettable experience was being an exchange student for a year at the University of Toronto (UT). In addition to music subjects, I could choose computer science, biology, geography, physics, etc.’ Coincidentally Maggie was also a student at UT, where she majored in neuroscience and psychology. But she chose to come back to Hong Kong, her birthplace. ‘I was debating whether I should further my studies or not after graduation. As I prefer interacting with people rather than doing research in the lab, medicine was a good choice. My father is an alumnus of CUHK. He encouraged me to apply to its medicine programme. So, I am here now.’ Maggie pointed out that CUHK provides more attractive extra- curricular activities than UT. ‘The activities are more diverse. And students are more actively participating and organizing extra- curricular activities. I have had the chance to meet students from different disciplines.’ There are quite a lot of opportunities for exchange too. Like Eric, Maggie had the chance to take a summer course at UCLA, where she studied French and Spanish. Maggie enjoys life and studies at CUHK. ‘We have both basic and clinical courses in Years 1 and 2. It is also a pleasure to study with my classmates. For example, two classmates and I initiated a self-financed voluntary service trip to welfare organizations in Pattaya such as an orphanage and a school for the blind last summer. We circulated a brief introduction leaflet to our classmates to recruit volunteers. Over 30 classmates signed up. It was beyond our imagination.’ 與韓國小學生玩遊戲 Playing with Korean primary students 帶領芭堤雅的孤兒和街童到水上樂園遊玩 Fun in the water at Pattaya Park with orphans and street kids