Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 9 Apr 1966
KWOK CH I NG TONG SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND T h e Un i v e r s i ty has received an endowment of HK $ l 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 00 f r om the Trustees of K w o k Ch i ng T o n g Memo r i al Charity F u n d, T h e late M r . K w o k received his early education at Queen's College, H o ng Ko n g, and later studied at the Foochow Nautical Academy. A f t er graduation, he served i n the Chinese Na vy for twenty years, rising to the rank of Rear Adm i r a l. He went into business in Canton and H o n g K o n g after his retirement. I n view of his interest in education and charity d u r i ng his lifetime, his sons M r . G.S. Kw o k, the late M r . K . K . K w o k and M r . K w o k Chan Kwa n, all of t h em distinguished personalities in the banking business, established the F u nd in his memory. T h e endowment is to be k n own as the K w o k Ch i ng T o n g Scholarship En d owme nt F u n d, and its income w i l l be used to provide scholarships, each of HK$ 3,000.00 per annum, to t wo or three undergraduates of the University. These scholarships w i ll be awarded according t o the regular University procedure on the basis of both academic ability and financial need. T h e award w i l l be reviewed each year and preference w i l l be given to the current recipients u n t il their graduation. CERT I F ICATE COURSE ON HOTEL MANAGEMENT T h e University' s Department of E x t r a - Mu r al Studies is offering a certificate course of hotel management to begin in September this year. T h e Programme is designed for persons who wish to make hotel business their career, or who, being in the business, wish to maintain and advance their own competence. A Certificate in Hotel Management w i l l be issued to successful candidates after written and oral examinations. A n intensive part-time programme, it consists of more than 700 class hours over a period of two years. I t is made up of the f o l l ow i ng courses: I n t r o d u c t i on to Ho t e l Management; Elementary Ac c o u n t i n g; Intermediate Ac c o u n t i n g; Ho t el Ac c o u n t i n g; Ho t el Housekeeping; Sanitation; T h e Bar & Wines ; T h e Restaurant; Economics; Catering; Food Equ i pmen t, Use, Selection & Purchasing; Banquetting Sales & Special Functions; Ho t el Engineering ; Ho t el Psychology ; Public Relations, Advertising & Sales; Personnel Management; Ac c oun t i ng Machine s in Hotels; Insurance & Legal Aspects of Innkeeping; English Business Correspondence; English Public Speaking; Japanese. Instructors includ e members of the teaching staff of the University and executives of local hotels, tourist industries and related organisations. For persons intending to apply for the course, they must have at least the H o ng K o n g School-leaving Certificate or its equivalent, and the age preference w i l l be f r om 19 to 30. But no special qualifications w i l l be required of those who elect individual courses only. TEACH I NG POSTS FOR TH IS UNIVERSITY'S GRADUATES Seventy-two o f this University's four hundred and seventy - seven graduates are now in the teaching profession, according to the recent statistics given by the Government Education Department, O f these 72, 14 have received a teacher's training in one f o rm or another, b ut not f r om the University's School of Education wh i ch was established in September, 1965. D i s t r i b u t i on of the 72 is as follows: T h e Chinese University 7 Government School s 1 A i d ed Schools 32 Private Schools 32 T o t al 72 STAFF PROFILES Mrs. Lung Tu Ch i - y u n g , Lecturer, Chinese Language & Literature, United College. M r s . L u n g obtained her B . A. degree in Chinese Language and Literature f r om the National Ta i wan University in 1953, and her M . A . degree f r om the same University in 1956. She served first as Lecturer (1956-1961) and then Associate Professor (1961-1964) in the Depa r tment of Chinese Language and Literature in her alma mater. She joined Un i t ed College as an Assistant Lecture r in Chinese in 1964. Her publications include: An Examination into the Reference Books Noted in Mao-Shih-Chun, An Annotated List of Sound-Correlated Dissyllabic Compounds in the Book of Odes, Notes on the Pronunciation of Mao-Chih-Shih-Wen, a translation of The Chinese Language by Bernahard Karlgren. Mr. J.C. Lee, Lecturer, Business Administration, New Asia College. M r . Lee was born in the Province of An hwe i. Ha v i ng graduated f r om the Nationa l Ordnance Engineering College and Central University, he pursued his postgraduate study at the College of Commerce and Business Adm i n i s t r a t i o n of the University of Illinois. M r . Lee has been teaching in the Depa r tment of Business Adm i n i s t r a t i on of New Asia College since 1961. Before j o i n i ng the College, he had been professor in the f o l l ow i ng colleges and universities: National 3
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