Annual Report 2006–07
82 教學輔助設施 ACADEMIC SUPPORT FACILITIES Library Services In 2006–07, there were a total of 84,233 volumes added to the library collection and the library print collection exceeded two million volumes. In addition, there was a 142% increase in e-journal subscriptions and a 23% increase in e-book titles. Two new special collections were made available at the New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library, namely, the New Asia College Collection and the Ch’ien Mu Collection. There was a 7% increase in user entrance, a 4% increase in check- outs at counters, a 6% increase in library card holders, and a 41% increase in group visitors from all over the world as compared with the previous year. Promoting Effective Use of Information A total of 312 information literacy programmes were conducted, reaching 7,189 University members over the year. Around 7,000 University members logged in the Information Literacy Tutorial, the self-paced online courseware for the new information literacy section of the mandatory Student Information Technology Proficiency Test. In addition to both face-to-face courses and online tutorials, the Library has been providing guidance to effective use of information via the real-time virtual reference service, ‘Chat with a Reference Librarian’. With this new service, reference librarians assist users in finding information through online chatting and real-time demonstration of searches. Better Learning Environment At the University Library, there were many refurbishment works carried out in the summer of 2007. In addition, new study facilities were added at the branch libraries. At the Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library, an outdoor reading area and an additional Information Commons were set up. A leisure reading area was added at the United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library, with the sound-proofing in various areas enhanced. A group discussion room with sound proof facilities was set up at the Li Ping Medical Library. ྇࣊ᎂ ר ৻ 二零零六至零七年度,圖書館新增館藏達八萬 四千二百三十三冊。全館之總印刷本藏書量, 已超逾二百萬冊。另一方面,新訂閱之電子期 刋及新購之電子書數目,亦較上一年分別增 加百分之一百四十二及百分之二十三。新亞 書院錢穆圖書館建立了兩個新的特藏,名為 「新亞書院特藏」及「錢穆特藏」。 與上一年度比較,二零零六至零七年度進館人次 增加百分之七,借書人次增加百分之四,持圖書 證讀者總數增加百分之六,來自世界各地的團體 訪客增加百分之四十一。 提倡有效運用資料 圖書館年內舉辦三百一十二項資訊素養課程, 參加人數達七千一百八十九人。大學規定學生應 考「資訊科技能力測試」,相應開設的網上自學 「資訊素養導修課程」,則有約七千人登入。 除面授課程及網上導修外,讀者更可使用嶄新 的網上即時諮詢服務 'Chat with a Reference Librarian',得到圖書館館員實時示範資料檢索, 了解如何有效蒐集及運用資料, 改善閱讀環境 二零零七年夏天,大學圖書館進行多項修葺工 程。分館方面,亦相繼建立簇新的閱讀設施,其 中崇基學院牟路思怡圖書館新闢了一個戶外閱讀 區及一個資訊廊。聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館新 增了一個消閒閱讀區,館內各處的隔音設施亦已 改善。李炳醫學圖書館則建立了一個具隔音設備 的小組研討室。
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