Annual Report 2006–07
80 ΊͶɀཌྷཌྷȼαࠗಋऋПϷ ܧ ਂቺʥཽᆉΊ௰ ؿ ɻɣ࣎ʤ CUHK Alumni on the 2007 HKSAR Honours List 金紫荊星章 Gold Bauhinia Star 前警務處處長李明逵先生 Mr. Lee Ming-kwai Dick, former Commissioner of Police, Hong Kong Police Force 香港聖公會鄺廣傑榮休大主教 The Most Reverend Kwong Kong-kit Peter, Archbishop Emeritus of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui 銀紫荊星章 Silver Bauhinia Star 立法會議員單仲楷先生 Mr. Sin Chung-kai, Member of the Legislative Council 可持續發展委員會人口政策支援小組召集人黃紹倫教授 Prof. Wong Siu-lun, Convenor, Support Group on Population Policy, Council for Sustainable Development 中大行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任、前消費者委員會主席陳志輝教授 Prof. Chan Chi-fai Andrew, Director of CUHK Executive MBA Programme and former Chairperson of the Consumer Council 紀律部隊卓越獎章 ( 香港警察卓越獎章 ) Distinguished Service Medal for Disciplined Services (Hong Kong Police Medal) 警務處高級助理處長鄧厚昇先生 Mr. Tang Hau-sing, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, Hong Kong Police Force 銅紫荊星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star 卓佳專業商務有限公司資深顧問黃啟民先生 Mr. Wong Kai-man, Senior Advisor to Tricor Services Ltd. 香港聖公會福利協會總幹事劉惠靈牧師 Reverend Lau Wai-ling Dorothy, Director, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council 南區區議會區議員高譚根先生 Mr. Ko Tam-kan, Member of the Southern District Council 《香港經濟日報》總編輯陳早標先生 Mr. Chan Cho-biu Eric, Associate Publisher & Chief Editor, Hong Kong Economic Times 前勞工處助理處長曾健和先生 Mr. Tsang Kin-woo, former Assistant Commissioner for Labour, Labour Department
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