Annual Report 2006–07
60 服務香港 放眼世界 SERVICE TO HONG KONG AND THE WORLD م ผ ר ৻ 在二零零六至零七年度,中大成員繼續以其專識 卓見服務本港社會、中國本土以至國際社會,表 現突出,在海內外備受表揚,屢獲獎譽。 李嘉誠健康科學研究所所長、李嘉誠醫學講座 教授及化學病理學講座教授盧煜明教授,乃國際 公認的血漿游離核酸專家,他獲頒二零零六年度 長江學者成就獎,是該年度本港唯一得獎學者。 盧教授開創以孕婦血漿分析胎兒基因的先河,其 有關唐氏綜合症無創性產前測試的研究,獲國際 權威醫學期刊《自然醫學》發表,為與懷孕相關 疾病的檢測提供了新方向。 李嘉誠生理學講座教授陳小章教授與浙江醫學科 學院合作,成功研究有關女性不育的病理機制, 對治療不育及避孕方法的開發有著重要啟示。有 關研究於英國自然雜誌社新發行的網上雜誌《自 然中國》刊登。陳教授獲頒裘槎基金會二零零七 至零八年度優秀科研者獎,以表揚她在上皮細胞 生物學方面的貢獻。 物理系程淑姿教授獲頒裘槎基金會二零零七至零 八年度優秀科研者獎;內科及藥物治療學講座教 授陳家亮教授獲頒裘槎基金會二零零七至零八年 度優秀醫學科研學者獎,以表彰他們在國際科學 界的超卓成就。 機械與自動化工程學講座教授徐揚生教授成功開 發全球首輛四輪轉向的「智能環保混合動力汽 車」,有助減低廢氣排放和節省能源,改善空 氣污染的情況。訊息工程學講座教授楊偉豪教 授獲德國洪堡基金會頒發二零零七年度Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award。 統計學講座教授兼系主任陳毅恆教授在統計研 究、教育和應用方面貢獻傑出,獲美國統計學會 授予院士銜。陳教授乃該年度亞太區獲選的兩位 學者之一,亦是本港唯一得獎人。工程學院四位 教授李碩彥、王鈞、王煜及張元亭教授,獲電機 及電子工程師學會(IEEE)選為院士。其中,張元亭 Community Service In 2006–07, the University faculty and staff continued to serve the local community, the rest of China and the world with their expertise, and received many accolades for their outstanding service to local and international communities. Prof. Lo Yuk-ming Dennis, Director of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and Professor of Chemical Pathology, is a leading authority of international renown in the research of cell-free DNA and RNA molecules, which exist in the blood plasma of human subjects. Prof. Lo, the only Hong Kong recipient of the 2006 Cheung Kong Achievement Award, found foetal DNA in the plasma of pregnant women and reported a revolutionary new approach for non-invasive prenatal testing of Down’s Syndrome in the top biomedical journal Nature Medicine . Prof. Chan Hsiao Chang, Li Ka Shing Professor of Physiology, conducted groundbreaking research on female infertility which has led to the development of new strategies for diagnosis and treatment of infertility as well as for contraception. The research was featured by Nature China , a web-based publication from Nature Publishing Group. Prof. Chan was awarded the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2007–08 for her significant contributions to epithelial cell biology. Prof. Ching Shuk-chi Emily in the Department of Physics and Prof. Chan Ka-leung Francis, Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics were awarded Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2007–08 and Croucher Senior Medical Research Fellowship 2007–08 respectively in recognition of their outstanding research achievements. Prof. Xu Yangsheng, Professor of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, developed the ‘Intelligent Omni-directional Hybrid Electric Vehicle’, an environmental-friendly car that would help alleviate air pollution in Hong Kong. Prof. Yeung Wai-ho Raymond, Professor of Information Engineering, was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award 2007 by The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Prof. Chan Ngai-hang, Professor of Statistics and chairman of the Department of Statistics, was named Fellow of the American Statistical
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