Annual Report 2006–07
2 引 言 INTRODUCTION The CUHK Strategic Plan, which was adopted in February 2006, articulates in concrete terms the University’s aspirations and strategies to scale further heights of excellence in the next decade. I am happy to report that, through the collective efforts of the entire University community in 2006–07, CUHK had taken important first steps towards the realization of the vision and missions embodied in the Strategic Plan. Bilingualism The long-cherished tradition of bilingualism underlies every aspect of the CUHK experience, from teaching, learning, research, student life to community service. The Committee on Bilingualism, after more than two years of consultations and deliberations, submitted their Final Report on Bilingualism in September 2007. On the recommendation of the Report, the University has reaffirmed its firm commitment to fostering a bilingual environment on campus and formulated strategies for enhancing bilingual education to meet the challenges in the 21st century. I wish to record a note of thanks to all members of the Committee on Bilingualism for their hard work and, in particular, its Chairman, Professor Ambrose King, for his leading role in the compilation of the report. Meanwhile, members of the University community should be commended for their invaluable views and ideas that were put forward during the consultation period. A University of Choice CUHK continued to be the first choice of many local secondary students and attract freshmen of the highest calibre. In 2006–07, we admitted 181 top Secondary Six students through the Early Admissions Scheme, the largest number among the three participating institutions. Of the top 1,000 JUPAS candidates with the highest average grades in the HKCEE and HKALE, half chose to study at CUHK. Over 130 new students were admitted through other channels such as the School Principal’s Nominations Scheme and the Self Recommenda- tion Scheme. Much mileage was also achieved in the recruitment of non-local students. In 2006–07, we recruited 240 students from 20 provinces and 香港中文大學於二零零六年二月公布《策略計 劃》,勾劃了未來十年大學的發展藍圖,以期層 樓更上,再創高峰。有賴大學同人在二零零六至 零七年度同心協力,中文大學已邁開健步,逐步 實施《策略計劃》的建議,向我們的願景及使命 進發,實在令人欣喜。 ᔶႍ ܧ ೪ 雙語政策一向是滲透中大各個層面的珍貴傳統, 無論教學、研究、校園生活以至社區服務等,均 以雙語為基礎。雙語政策委員會經過兩年多廣泛 諮詢及審慎考慮後,於二零零七年九月向校方提 交雙語政策報告定本。按照報告的建議,中大重 申在校園營造雙語環境的堅定承擔,並已制定長 遠政策,以期優化雙語教育,迎接二十一世紀的 挑戰。我特別在此感謝全體委員的努力,尤其是 主席金耀基教授統籌編撰報告書,厥功至偉。同 時,大學各成員在諮詢期間積極提出寶貴意見, 亦殊堪稱許。 ࠖፕɣነ 二零零六至零七年度,中大循「中六生優先錄取 計劃」錄取了一百八十一名中六的尖子,為三所 參與院校之冠。參與「大學聯合招生辦法」的首 一千名高考與會考成績最佳的學生中,半數選擇 升讀中大,足證中大一如既往,是本地精英學子 首選的大學。此外,經「校長推薦計劃」和「自 薦計劃」等途徑錄取的新生則逾一百三十人。 在錄取非本地生方面,中大迭創佳績。二零零六 至零七年度,我們從內地二十個省市錄取二百四 十名學生,他們均在全國高考名列前茅。其他非 本地生來自印尼、意大利、日本、黎巴嫩、澳 門、馬來西亞、墨西哥、毛里裘斯、新加坡、斯 洛伐克、南韓、西班牙、台灣、英國及美國,廣 泛多元的生源,多采多姿的民族和文化背景,豐 富了校園的學習和社群環境,充分體現「教育無 疆界」的理念。
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