Annual Report 2006–07
54 黃 熾森教授(管理學系)於二零零六年在 國際著名的學術期刊 Journal of Career Development 發表黃氏職業興趣量表在四個華人 社區應用的研究成果。該量表是一套職業興趣模 型和職業興趣的自我評估工具,為黃教授年前研 究成果的一部分,其他成果包括一套電腦程式和 相關的職業輔導材料,該套材料曾送予全港中學 試用。 由於黃氏職業興趣量表獲廣泛應用及肯定,香港 特區政府勞工處特邀黃教授協助,為該處於二零 零七年成立的兩個青少年就業輔導及資源中心, 設計相關的輔導和評鑑工具,並為該處人員提供 培訓。此外,又邀請黃教授協助評估現有的十二 個就業中心,探討如何加強服務,以及應用黃氏 量表的可行性。 Prof. Wong Chi-sum (Department of Management) published his research findings on the application of the Wong’s Career Interests Assessment Questionnaire (WCIAQ) in four Chinese societies in the Journal of Career Development in 2006. WCIAQ, a career interest model and self-assessment tool of career interests, is one part of the output of Prof. Wong’s research projects in the previous years. The other outcomes included a computer programme and relevant feedback materials for people who want to get career guidance and advice. Packages of these materials were distributed to all secondary schools in Hong Kong. Pursuant to the widespread adoption of WCIAQ, Prof. Wong’s expertise was sought by the Labour Department of HKSAR for data collection and validation of an assessment kit for two youth employment centres opened in 2007, and also for training up labour officers who will use the kit to run the centres. The Labour Department also engaged Prof. Wong’s consultation on service enhancement of its 12 job centres, and on the possible adaptation of the WCIAQ. 傑出研究計劃 Outstanding Research Project 工商管理學院 Faculty of Business Administration 黃熾森教授向勞工處人員介紹評鑑工具 Prof. Wong briefing labour officers on the assessment kit
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