Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 8 May 1968
COMINGS AND GOINGS 。 President T.C. Ou of New Asia College left fo r the United States on 4th A p ril to attend a World Conference on "Education fo r Mankind " at the University of Chicago from 5th to 11th A p ril. The purpose of this Conference was to promote mutual understanding among the different cultures in the world and to work fo r the attainment of world unity. It was sponsored jointly by the Centre for Advanced Inter-cultural Studies and the Council fo r the Study of Mankind. During Dr. O u's absence Dr. P.H. Chang, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, served as Acting President of the College. Dr. Ou returned to Hong Kong on 20th A p ril. • A t the join t invitation of Vice-Chancellor Choh-M ing L i and New Asia College, M r. W ilmer J. Kitchen, Executive Director of the Yale-in-China Association, and Mrs. Kitchen, visited Hong Kong from 16th to 22nd A p ril. During his stay, M r. Kitchen studied the need fo r capital building funds fo r the new University site at Shatin. Accompanied by Dr. Francis S. Hutchins, Representative of the Yale-in-China Association in Hong Kong, M r. and Mrs. Kitchen paid visits to the three Colleges. They were also guests of honour at a dinner given by the Hon. P.Y. Tang, Chairman of the New Asia College Board of Governors. • Dr. George Gant, Representative of the Ford Foundation in this region, and Dr. Philip Davidson, Programme Adviser of the Foundation, arrived in Hong Kong on 27th A p ril on a short visit. Accompanied by Dr. S.S. Hsueh of United College, they toured the campus site and Chung Chi College on 28th Ap ril. They were also guests of the Vice-Chancellor fo r lunch with the three College Presidents. • M r. David C. Harrop, Princeton-in-Asia Re presentative, visited Hong Kong from 19th to 24th Ap ril. During his stay he met Princeton graduates in Hong Kong to discuss the enlargement of the Princeton-in-Asia Programme. • A Student Delegation consisting of twenty members from the University of Malaya visited New Asia College on 22nd A p ril. A fte r exchanging views with the members of the College Student Union regarding student activities, they toured the College campus. • M r. Simon P.J. Ellis, Associate Lecturer in English at Chung Chi Colege , and Mrs. Ellis left on a five-month home leave on 11th A p ril. They would spend a month touring Southeast Asia, visit fam ily and friends in England and France, and return via Pakistan and India in September, 1968. COLLEGE NEWS • The three Colleges of the University parti cipated in a Talent Festival sponsored join tly by the Post-Secondary College Club and Wah K iu Yat Po, on 8th A p ril at the C ity Hall Concert Hall. The Festival was a charity exhibition to raise funds fo r the relief of under-privileged children in the Colony and fo r the Social Service Group of the College Club. • The Journalism Department of New Asia College sponsored the follow ing lectures in the month of A p ril: 1st A p r il: ‘‘Television in Hong Kong" by M r. Steve S.C. Huang, Executive Secretary of the H .K . Television Broadcasts Ltd. 2nd A p ril: "E d ito ria l W riting " by M r. L i Chiu- sheng, Chief Editor of the Hong Kong Times. 9th A p ril: ‘T h e Essentials of Ed ito ria l" by M r. Lee Chi Man, Editor of the Wah K iu Yat Po. • The United College Student Union held a seminar on "The Student Counselling Service" on 18th A p ril. The speakers at the seminar were M r. T.R. L iu , Acting Academic Registrar, and five student representatives. The students expressed support fo r the Service and put forward constructive suggestions fo r its improvement. This Service was introduced at the College in February 1968. — 3 —
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