CUHK: Focus at 50
8 聚焦凝鏡:中大金禧紀實 CUHK: Focus at 50 文藝薈萃 Art and Culture 古今中外的藝術表演於金禧年輪番上場,營造豐富的文化氛圍,將「結合 傳統與現代,融會中國與西方」的創校理念,發揮得淋漓盡致。 A vast array of performances were staged to create a vibrant and cultural atmosphere on campus, epitomizing the mission to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West. 1 中國大學莎劇比賽 The Chinese Universities Shakespeare Festival 4–6.6.2013 2 校慶話劇《教授》 Golden Jubilee Drama The Professor 8–9.2013 3 京崑粵劇傳承之旅 An Operatic Journey of Cultural Heritage through Peking, Kunqu and Cantonese Traditions 8–10.10.2013 4 「承韻.傳音」香港中文大學金禧校友音樂會 CUHK Golden Jubilee Alumni Concert 22.11.2013 1 3 4
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