CUHK: Focus at 50
6 聚焦凝鏡:中大金禧紀實 CUHK: Focus at 50 1 1 2 傳承 Embrace our Culture 歷史發展 Historical Development 藉金禧校慶,我們回顧前輩學人的學術功業,整理創校先賢的流風遺澤, 讓公眾了解中大的歷史面貌,並重申核心使命。 The Golden Jubilee is a time to consolidate the legacies of our founding scholars and to show the public the University’s historical development and reaffirm its mission and core values. 1 為誌中大金禧校慶而籌建的大學展覽廳,藉數百珍貴歷史照片和文物,以及多媒體 資源,展示中大過去半世紀的發展歷程及成就。 In celebration of its Golden Jubilee, CUHK launched the University Gallery. Through the display of hundreds of precious photographs, artefacts, and multimedia resources, the gallery exhibits the history, memorable moments and achievements of CUHK in the past 50 years. 28.11.2013 2 「五十周年校慶博覽會」於全港五個地區的大型商場、十一所中學及深圳圖書館巡迴 展出,讓公眾認識中大的歴史,以及未來的發展藍圖。 The roving exhibition of CUHK 50th Anniversary Fair has been held at five shopping malls around the town, 11 secondary schools and in the Shenzhen Library. The exhibition reached out to the public to showcase the history of CUHK and to present its future plans. 3–12.2013
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