Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 5 Dec 1966
In his opening speech, the Hon. Fung Ping-fan pointed out that the College's present laboratory facilities are adequate for the College's interim develop- ment both in teaching and research before it moves to its new campus in Shatin. In the New Science Laboratories, covering an area of some 12,000 sq. f t ” are some lecture and tutorial rooms, research rooms and administrative offices of the Science Faculty. △ W ith special grants from the Asia Foundation, the Yale-in-China Association and T h e Chinese Un i versity, New Asia College recently acquired 1,300 colour slides and 5,500 photographs taken of the art treasures now stored in the National Palace Museum in Taiwan. T hey prove to be of great value for the College's Fine Arts Department. In the two Chinese Painting Appreciation Evenings on December 12 and 19 at the College, parts of the 1,300 slides were projected with explanation in Chinese and English. Over 300 guests attended. △ An exhibition of oracle bones (circa 1300 B.C.) and 1248 volumes of Chinese plays (1921-45) was opened at United College on December 12 as part of the College's programme to celebrate its 10th an niversary. T h e exhibition will last until December 31’ 1966. △ Chung Chi College has appointed Dr. Stephen S .T . Yau as part-time dentist of the College from January, 1 1967. College patients will have to pay for the costs only. △ Two scholarships of $1,000 each per annum were donated to United College by the Canadian University Association of Hong Kong at a ceremony held in the College on December 13. T h e Association, the members of which are Hong Kong students study ing in Canada, raised the scholarships recently in a charity function. T h e Chairman of the Association, M r. Samuel T .F . Wong, made the presentation and M r. T .C . Cheng, the College President, received the scholarships on behalf of the College. △ T h e week December 12-16 was a Religious Emphasis Week in Chung Chi College. T h e theme was: "Making Christmas Meaningful." Rev. Alan Chan, Rev. Paul Wong, Rev. Kwok Nai Wang, Rev. Fr. M. Brosnan, and Rev. Simon Ridley gave sermons during the week. △ Mr. T .C . Cheng, President of United College, was invited to attend the Second Seminar of the Hong Kong Federation of Students held at the University of Hong Kong as Honorary Advisor. He chaired the opening ceremony of the Seminar on December 26’ 1966, and delivered an opening address. △ Dr. Joseph Hwang, Lecturer in Biology of Chung Chi College, presented a paper entitled “ Effect of PH on Oxygen Equilibrium Curves in Asiatic Horse-Shoe Crabs Tachyplens T riden tatu s" in absentia at the AAAS meeting of the Comparative Physiology Section of the American Society of Zoologists held in Washington D.C. from December 26 to 31’ 1966. △ In response to the Blood Donation Campaign of the local Red Cross Society, 18 students and staff members from Chung Chi College and 40 from United College donated blood to the Society's blood bank in the month of December. △ T h e annual College chest X-Ray survey of Chung Chi College for the year 1966/67 was held on December 6-7 at the College Clinic Building. T u b e r culin testing was carried out at the same time. △ United College carried out its Annual X-Ray Survey at T an g Shiu King Survey Centre on December 20-22, 1966. About 550 students participated. △ T h e Rt. Rev. John Gilbert Baker, member of the Board of Governors of Chung Chi College, was installed as Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao in an impressive ceremony in St. John's Cathedral on December 9. △ Shakespeare's “ Anthony and Cleopatra" was read before the audience on November 29, at United College. T h e cast included some of Hong Kong's best known amateur actors, assisted by members of the teaching staff of the College's English Department. △ On November 28 and 29 , the New Asia Drama Club presented " T h e Late Christopher Bean" in Chinese at the City Hall Theatre. T h e programme was very well attended. A T h e 10th Annual Athletic Meet of Chung Chi College was held on December 2 and 3. Mr. K.C. Pang, a member of the College Board of Governors, donated $ 1,000 for the purchase of prizes and trophies. △ Mr. Wong Tang-fong, graduate of 1965 from the Department of Physics, Chung Chi College, won the award of a Chrysler Fellowship in Brown Univer sity in the United States because of his outstanding research performance, according to a letter from Pro fessor J.J. Quinn, Chairman of Brown's Department of Physics. Mr. Wong is among the best 4 or 5 students in a class of 39 students who began their graduate studies in Physics at the University last fall. STAFF PROFILES Professor S.C . Joseph Fu, Professor o f Chemistry Professor Fu received his B.S. and M.Sc. in Chemistry from the Catholic University of Peking. He received his Ph.D ., also in Chemistry, from Johns Hopkins University in 1949. For his doctorate, he worked under Professor Alsoph H. Corwin on chemical kinetics and reaction mechanisms. His postdoctoral training was obtained at the National Institute of Health, Washington, D .C .,w ith the late Dr. Jesse P. Greenstein in the fields of peptides and proteins, and enzymes, after which he stayed three more years there as a Visit ing Scientist. In 1955, he was at the University College, 6
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