Newsletter No. 345
No. 345, 19.10.2009 第三四五期 二零零九年十月十九日 No. 345 19 October 2009 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at 同賀「光纖之父」高錕教授獲諾貝爾獎 Sharing Honour and Happiness with Nobel Laureate 2009 Professor Charles K. Kao 香 港中文大學前校長(1987 – 1996)、「光纖之父」高 錕教授四十年前突破光纖技術,造就現今網絡通 訊的便利,將世界萬里聯繫一線。10月6日傍晚,瑞典皇家 科學院宣布頒授本年度諾貝爾物理學獎給高錕教授,不但 港人振奮,中大上下亦喜不自勝。校方於翌日舉行慶祝會, 多位大學成員和嘉賓致辭,向高教授的成就致敬,並憶述 與高教授共事的情誼軼趣。 正如校長劉遵義教授所說,這份喜悅難以用文字語言表 達,香港、全國、甚至全球的華人都與有榮焉。圖靈獎得主 兼博文講座教授姚期智教授讚揚高教授的工作改變了世 界,非常人所能及,正是偉大科學發現的重要特色。 1957年諾貝爾物理學獎得主、博文講座教授楊振寧教授指 出,諾貝爾獎過往較注重基本研究,至近年始頒獎予在應 用科學上有成就的科學家。 本港現時八成互聯網流量都經過中大校園,發電郵只須通 過互聯網進行本地轉接,無須取道外國。副校長程伯中教 授道出:「當年本港要發展資訊樞紐時,外間反應不佳,高 錕教授大力提倡,讓中大成為本地互聯網樞紐-不是為 了中大,而是為了所有香港市民!」 高錕教授關心本港以及中大的科技發展,殷切之情也見於 副校長楊綱凱提到的一樁趣事。話說當年香港討論科學園 園址之時,高教授亟想將之設於中大附近,更向楊副校長 打趣說:「你要肯定他們會把科學園放在這裏,不成功便 不用回來。」 對於前校長獲得諾貝爾獎,工程學二年級學生高進榮說他 的感受特別親切。而校友張文光議員則期望中大可以承 傳高教授的科研精神,繼續在各方面有出色的研究,貢獻 社會。 中大特別為高錕教 授製作網頁( www. /cpr/ charleskao/ ),內 載有關高教授的珍 貴資料,以及他在中 大時的重要事蹟,並 上載了慶祝會盛況,又 設留言區供公眾向高教 授送上賀語。 P rof. Charles K. Kao, former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (1987–1996) and ‘Father of Fibre Optics’, put forward his groundbreaking idea about fibre optics over four decades ago, eventually revolutionizing communication and ushering in a new era of telecommunications. This year, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. When the news was announced on the evening of 6 October, it thrilled Hong Kong and, in particular, the CUHK community. The University held a celebration the day after the Nobel announcement. Many University members and guests spoke on the occasion, exchanging anecdotes about Professor Kao. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK, said no words could describe how happy he was for Professor Kao. He was sure that all of Hong Kong, mainland China or even all the Chinese in the world would rejoice in this glory. Prof. Andrew C.C. Yao, Turing Award winner and Distinguished Professor-at-Large, said Professor Kao’s work had all the makings of great scientific discoveries: requiring extraordinary capabilities and world- changing. Prof. C.N. Yang, Nobel laureate in physics 1957, Distinguished Professor-at-Large, pointed out that the Nobel Prize used to favour fundamental over applied research until recent years when those who work in applied sciences were beginning to be recognized. At present, 80% of Internet traffic in Hong Kong goes through the CUHK campus. E-mails can be transmitted locally via the Internet, without having to go overseas. Prof. P.C. Ching, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, recalled, ‘Years ago, when Hong Kong was talking about developing into an information hub, the response was less than encouraging. But Professor Kao was all for it, and he turned the Chinese University into a local Internet hub.’ Prof. Kao was concerned about the development of high technology both in Hong Kong and in CUHK. He was eager to have the Science Park built near the campus. Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, said, ‘During discussions in Hong Kong on where to locate the Science Park, he said to me, “You’d better make sure they put the Science Park here. Otherwise don’t bother to come back.”’ Mr. Ko Tsun-wing, a Year 2 engineering student, said he felt very honoured that a former Vice-Chancellor had been awarded the Nobel Prize. ‘Being an engineering student brings it even closer to home.’ The Hon. Cheung Man-kwong, CUHK alumnus, thought the most important thing was to inherit Professor Kao’s passion for scientific research. He was confident that others at CUHK would follow in Kao’s footsteps and attain similar heights in research. CUHK has launched a website ( charleskao/ ) dedicated to Professor Kao, which contains his biography, the major developments of the University under his vice-chancellorship, as well as footage from the celebration party. Members of the public can also post messages on the message board. (續下頁 To be continued )
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