Newsletter No. 344

No. 344, 4.10.2009 第三四四期 二零零九年十月四日 No. 344 4 October 2009 為虛擬酒店把脈 中大生揚威國際 CUHK Students Shine in International Competition Four Year 2 students, Steven Chan, Janie Fung, Thomas Lai and Katie Sham, defeated seven regional champions from the UK, Ireland, Sri Lanka, India, mainland China, Malaysia and Singapore to win the Global Final of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) Global Business Challenge held in August. The participating teams were asked to serve as consultants for the Board of Directors of Solberri, an imaginary resort, and to offer solutions to the problems observed at both the strategic and operational levels. They were also required to present their business case in front of an international judging panel of prestigious experts. The team impressed the panel by putting forward feasible and professional proposals to restructure the company’s business portfolio, introducing new marketing package and channels, as well as strengthening the company’s service-oriented human resources training. The judging panel commended that they defined and organized the problems accurately and answered them logically and sensibly. The team members said that they conducted a lot of research and read reports regarding the ways managerial accountants work so as to acquaint themselves with the format, approaches and rationale employed in managerial cases. They also familiarized themselves with the hotel industry by reading market reports and analyses which gave them insights into the trends of the industry. ‘The knowledge we acquired throughout the year in GBS helped us significantly. We learned to be market- oriented, which means understanding target customers and providing them with what they value, instead of hard-selling something the company would like to offer,’ they said. 學生心聲 What the students have to say... 陳彥豐 Steven Chan 「與來自七個國家的學生交流,實在比選 修大學任何科目收穫更多。而是次比賽 評判團來自不同行業,他們的意見正反 映真實商界中的要求,為比賽添上另一份 意義。」 ‘Interacting with students from seven other regions offered me much more than taking university courses would have. But it was the judges who made this competition most remarkable. Being practitioners in different business fields, they made the best possible audience with their useful feedback and comments from the “real” business world.’ 黎俊生 Thomas Lai 「由收到題目的一刻開始,我們就不斷 的設計商業策略、計算財務狀況、剪接影 音材料、練習報告流程,從而不斷檢視 我們的建議,無論是知識和技巧,都獲 益良多。」 ‘Starting from the moment we received the case materials, we watched as our product improved through our business strategy design, financial calculations, audio-visual aid editing, and countless presentation practices. The process also enhanced our knowledge and skills.’ 馮思哲 Janie Fung 「記得為要蒐集資料及分析,我們同渡 過不知多少個疲憊不堪的夜晚,猶幸有 隊友的支持及鼓勵,重燃我的熱誠。漸 漸地,我們團隊建立了合作默契,我相信 這是致勝的一個主要原因。」 ‘Throughout the exhausting nights of research and analysis, it was my teammates’ passion that encouraged me to continue. In the course of this, our team developed a rapport, which I believe was the main reason for our victory.’ 岑紀汶 Katie Sham 「我在這六個月嘗試了很多『第一次』: 代表香港參加國際賽事、在行政總裁面 前闡述建議、與七個來自不同地方的學 子交流,這些點點滴滴,很難以說話形 容,但將會長留在我心。」 ‘In these six months, I encountered many “firsts” in my life. It was my first time to represent Hong Kong in an international competition, to present in front of CEOs, and to network with elites from seven corners of the globe. It is impossible to describe my experience in black and white, but it will stay in my heart forever.’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及投稿方法載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at 地 中海一個渡假酒店集團Solberri,曾執業界牛耳, 近年業績卻每況愈下,有甚麼策略可令集團挽回頹 勢?這些通常是企業顧問要面對的問題,在一個國際比賽 中,要由四名中大環球商業學學生解決。初生之犢,如何 為集團把脈? 四位二年級的學生—陳彥豐、馮思哲、黎俊生及岑紀汶, 於8月在英國特許管理會計師公會舉辦的商業精英國際 挑戰賽中擊敗七支來自英國、愛爾蘭、斯里蘭卡、印度、中 國、馬來西亞及新加坡的對手,奪得世界冠軍殊榮。 各參賽隊伍須扮演董事局顧問,為大會虛構的Solberri集 團提出有效的策略和執行方案,以解決集團面對的問題, 並向專業評審團發表報告, 中大隊伍周密地分析個案,提出多項可行的建議,包括重 組集團的投資組合、引進新的市場策略和營銷渠道,以及 加強以服務為本的人力資源培訓,以提升集團的競爭力, 最終獲評判激賞,認為他們能準確及有系統地剖析集團問 題,並提出具邏輯兼合理的解決方案。 隊員表示,收到這題目以及集團的財務資料後,花了大量 時間梳理管理會計報告內容的格式、表達方法及原理等; 而他們並不熟悉酒店業的運作,因此要閱讀很多業內的市 場報告及分析,掌握行業狀況。 他們說:「我們應用了課程所學的知識,例如我們會以市 場為本導向,先了解顧客需要,並提供吻合公司價值的方 案,而非只硬銷自己的一套。」 S olberri, a premier resort chain located in the Mediterranean Sea, was once a global benchmark in the industry but suffered years of disappointing performance. What solution should it adopt to reverse the situation? This challenge constantly faced by veteran enterprise consultants was posed to four CUHK global business study (GBS) students at an international competition. How would these novices diagnose the case?