Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 5 Dec 1966
VICE-CHANCELLOR'S RECEPTION TO NEW STUDENTS T h e Vice-Chancellor, Dr. C.M. Li, and Mrs. Li gave a tea reception to new students who joined the University this academic year on the afternoon of December 23 , 1966 at the Y.M.C.A. Building in Kow loon. About 400 students shook hands with the Vice- Chancellor and Mrs. Li. All the College Presidents as well as the University Registrar, together with their wives, were also on the reception line. T h e Party started with a speech of welcome by the Vice-Chancellor, given in his usual familiar style. Afterwards tea and Chinese “dim sum” were served. T h e reception ended in a gay atmosphere. Vice-Chancellor L i and some o f the new students in the Reception CONFERENCE ON UNIVERSITY COOPERATION AND ASIAN DEVELOPMENT From December 18 through 21, 1966, the Conference on "University Cooperation and Asian Development" was held in Hong Kong under the auspices of the Asia Foundation. Dr. C.M. Li, Vice-Chancellor of this University, was invited to participate. T h e Conference brought together a number of outstanding educators as well as civic leaders from Asia, Australia, and the United States, and field re presentatives and executives of the Asia Foundation. Some executives from other foundations with program mes in Asia also attended the Conference. Discussion in the Conference centred around the contribution which universities are expected to make to Asian society and its development. In particular, the Con ference tried to explore further opportunities for re gional and international educational cooperation. During the Conference, Dr. Li presented a paper entitled "Inter-University Cooperation in Area Programmes and the Social Sciences: Asian Problems and Prospects". He discussed some of the influences affecting the development of area study programmes and their component social sciences in Asian universities. These developments, Dr. Li stated, have been encourag ed by contributions from Western universities and countries. But Asia as a whole, and specific areas within it, are at a stage in their history when a regional perspective is urgently needed. Dr. Li concluded that the Conference participants were in a position to lay the ground work and chart the course for university programmes in Asia that would help provide Asia with this perspective. T h e following also presented papers to the Conference :- Prof. Kenneth E. Robinson, Vice-Chancellor, University of Hong Kong Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao, Member, Planning Commission, Government of India; formerly Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi Dr. Kazuo Okochi, President, Th e University of Tokyo 3
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