Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 1 Jul 1965
Dr. Sidney Lovett D r. Sidney Lovett, form er representative of the Yale-in-China Association to N ew Asia College (1958-59) is to retire in A ugust this year. T h e staff of N ew Asia College offered a commemorative poem to D r. L o v ett at the annual meeting of the Yale-in- China Association on Ju n e 14 , 1965. T h e p oem was composed by M r. Pan C h u n g Kwei H ead of th e D e p a rtm e n t of Chinese L itera tu re and translated into English by M r. Jo hn T .S . C h e n , S ecre tary of the College. H .K. Council of Women M rs. Violet Chan, P resid en t of the H on g K o n g Council of Wom en, visited U n ite d College on Ju n e 22 w ith m em b e rs o fthe Council's F ashion Show Comm ittee. T h e H o n g K o ng Council of W om en recently held a fashion show in the City Hall to raise funds for needy students. H a lf of th e fashion show 's proceeds, being HK$6 ,0 45 , was p resented by ch eque to M r. T .C . Cheng, P resident of U n ited College, by M rs. Chan. T h e visitors were m et by the P resident and senior m em bers of U n ited College and were entertain ed in the Conference Room for refreshments. L a te r on, they were co nducte d ro u nd the College prem ises by the College staff. Mr. Lee Din-yi M r. Lee D in-yi, L e ctu re r and H ead of the D e p a rtm e n t of H istory of U n ited College, has been invited by th e University of H o n g K o n g to act as External Exam in er for two M .A . candidates in H istory. M r. L ee has also been invited by th e Institu te of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research of N ew Asia College to act as Exam iner in the oral p a rt in the entrance and final examinations. Mr. Kwok Kui-lam M r. Kwok K ui-lam of U n ite d College, has been awarded th e P h .D . degree by th e University of Manchester. H e has also been invited by the Physics D e p a rtm e n t of th e University of H o n g K o n g to give a course in N uclear Physics to B.Sc.Sp. stu dents for the second te rm of the 1965/66 academic year. Mr. Yao Hsin-nung M r. Yao H sin -n u n g , L e ctu re r and Acting H ead of the D e p a rtm e n t of Chinese L anguage & L iteratu re of U n ited College, has been invited to adjudicate the Chinese Speech Competition at th e 18th H o n g K o n g Schools Mu sic Festival to be held from 10th to 26th M arch , 1966. United Students Union T h e annual election of th e S tu d e n ts' U nio n of U n ite d College was held at the end of th e 1964/65 academ ic year. M r. Kwok Yau-yee, th ird year student, was elected P resid en t and M r. Ch en g M o T o , second year stu d en t, was elected V ice-P resident for th e 1965/66 academ ic year. WITS STAFF TRAINING FELLOWSHIPS By a rran g em en t w ith the U n ite d States Comm ittee o f W o rld University Service and the U n ited States D e p a rtm e n t of State, H o n g K o n g W U S will again offer several fellowships for graduate stu dy to Chinese scholars who are m em b ers of the F aculty of th e Chinese University and certain Post-S econdary Colleges. T h e se will be tenable in universities in th e U n ite d States for one or two years b eg inning in S eptember, 1966. T h e Fellowships are designed to improve the qualifica tions of teachers and th e quality of teaching in the Chinese University and certain o th er Post-S econdary Colleges. Only teachers who can satisfy W U S of their intentions to re tu rn to their college or to any o th er institution of higher education in H o n g K o ng for a period at least equal to the te n u re of the fellow ship can be considered u n d e r this programme. It is not necessary for a Fellow to work tow ard a higher degree, th o ug h a regular formal p ro g ram of course work mu st be followed. Post-degree refresher courses are considered a legitimate aspect of this program . T h e Fellowship does not provide a full scholarship, as it is expected th a t th e Fellow will win an assistant- ship or scholarship at th e university which accepts him. T h u s , W U S merely su p plem en ts the g rant from the American university to ensure th a t the costs of tuition, room , board, and miscellaneous living ex penses are covered. W U S also provides for: ro u n d - trip economy-class travel from H o n g K o n g direct to the u n iv e rsity ; shipping costs for a reasonable amo un t of personal effects; and miscellaneous expenses (US visa fee, inoculation fees, and W U S Public H ealth Service physical examination). N o allowance is given to d ep en d en ts w h eth er taken to America or left in H o n g Kong. Any Chinese who is now a full-time m em b e r of the teaching and adm inistrative staff of th e Chinese U n i versity, Colleges or P ost-S econdary Colleges which are m em bers of W U S (C hu H ai and H o n g K o n g Baptist) may apply. Requests for prelim inary application forms and fu rth er information may be made by w riting to M r. E dm u n d H . Worth y , Jr. of N ew Asia College. 8
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