Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 12 Sep 1967
STAFF PROFILES Mrs. Elizabeth W. Ko, Assistant Registrar (Public Relations) 士 女 梅 若 伍 高 Mrs. Elizabeth W. Ko M r s. Elizabeth K o , born and educated in San Francisco, received her B.A. in Early Childhood Education at the University of California at Santa Barbara. She has a master's degree in H uman Relations, her thesis being on the counselling, guidance and teaching of bilingual children. She taught in California for ten years. M r s. K o came to Ho ng K o n g in 1961. T w o years later she joined the American Consulate as Student Advisory Officer, in wh i ch capacity she interviewed, counselled and examined an average of 10,000 students each year who wished to further their studies in the Un i t ed States, and spoke on radio and appeared on television at various times. She assumed du ty as Assistant Registrar of T he Chinese University on August 1. M r s. K o is the w i dow of the late Rev. Stephen K o, who was vicar of St. Paul's Church, Glenealy, H o ng Ko n g. She lives w i t h her two sons, Stephen, aged 9, and Richard, aged 7. , Mr. Han-sheng Chuan,New Asia College, Senior Lecturer in History M r . Chuan was born in Shunteh, Kwang t ung, On his graduation f r om National Peking University in 1935, he joined the Academia Sinica, where he has been successively Assistant, Research Assistant, Research Associate and Research Fellow. I n 1944, M r . Chuan was sent to the Un i t ed States to continue his research, as Research Fellow at Ha r v a rd University for one year and Visiting Scholar at Columbia University for two years. Wh en he returned to China in 1947, besides continuing his work at the Academia Sinica, M r . Chuan took up teaching, as Professor of Economics at National Central University. T w o years later, he moved to Ta i wan w i t h the Academia Sinica. F r om 1949 - 61, he was Professor of Economics at National Ta i wan University and was Head of the Department f r om 1952 to 1956. I n 1958 M r . Chuan became Director General of Academia Sinica, wh i ch post he held until 1961’ when he re-visited the States at the invitation of the University of Chicago. He was an outstanding Visiting Scholar at the University of Chicago for one year and Research Fellow at Harvard again for another year. I n 1963, he returned to Ta i wan to resume work at the Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University. M r . Chuan joined New Asia College in 1965. Mr. Chuan specializes in the economic history of China and has published many articles on the subject. 生 先 昇 漢 全 Mr. Han-sheng Chuan COMINGS AND GOINGS Δ Vice-Chancellor C h o h - M i ng L i left for Britain on July 15 to attend a Council Meeting of the Association of Commonwealth Universities held in Glasgow, Scotland. As D r . L i is also a member of the Finance and General Purposes Committee of the Association, 7
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